43 : ex

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Marbles | night sixty seven

to the one I used to love:
i never unloved you.
we just learned to
love others better
than we did together.

Harry: So you never cheated on me, Louis?

Louis: No! (raises brow) Are you listening to what you're saying, Harry? I was dumb, yes. I hurt you one too many times, yes. I was a major bloke and a dipshit, yes. But I am not a person to cheat on the only one I have and the only one I love.

Harry: (gives suspicious expression) Really?

Louis: Have you seen your face in the mirror, Harry? Have you glanced at your body completely, even once? Have you met anyone as compassionate and as sweet as you? (smiles lovingly)

Why would I cheat on someone so perfectly imperfect?

Harry: (huffs/pretend not to be happy) Then what about that sandwich insident with Tess?

Louis: I knew it (chuckles)

Harry: (raises brow) What?

Louis: (points finger at Harry) This is about Tess again, isn't it? (reaches out for Harry's hand) Darling, the day I dragged my ass up to Tess was when you ordered a Tuna sandwich. Since I don't want you to know who I truly was and who she is, I talked to her to give you another sandwich since you're fucking allergic to Tuna!

Harry: (pouts) What about when I saw you in the car with her?

Louis: (grins) I didn't pick you up that day since I had something urgent that came up. Then drove over to Marbles and offered her a ride since her husband called me and told me he won't be able to pick her up. (coughs/clears throat) The time you saw us, we were on the way to her house and drop her off since her daughter was left with the baby sitter.

Harry: She has a family already? (in awe)

Louis: Yes, (nods) she has a two year old baby girl and a husband.

Harry: Now I feel ashamed of myself for being a major bitch. (face palms/shakes head)

Louis: Don't worry, she knows us too well to get mad at us. She understands you and what's happening to us.

Harry: (groans in embarassment) I feel sorry for her; dealing with me everytime I come here bitching about her presence.

Louis: Sad since she's not here today. But maybe we can have dinner together with her and her family.

Harry: I wish we're a family too. (saddens)

Louis: (touches Harry's face) We are a family. We just don't have kids as of now. Maybe one day we will. Soon.

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s o n g | She - Ed Sheeran

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