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She was never the best at everything

Her classmates thought she amounted to nothing

She was never listened to never heard

Yet being able to speak was what she preferred

She would talk in her poems though speak what's on her mind

Be a different person share the thoughts she confined

She was more unique than a popular girl

She was the one that ruled the world

All the others where robots programmed in what to say

They where confined in their own personal cage

Fitting into a group or a label was the key

Worrying only about the present that was all they could see

But instead of the girl worrying about today

Worrying to fit in  like them or do what they say

She soared above the limits not bound by someone else

She didn't take orders from any one than herself

She was the girl that stuck out from the crowd

And not because she was quiet or loud

It was because she was  different in a good way

She didn't care about what others would say

This Poem is for all the girls like her

That do not let others determine their future.

Long poems from a short girlWhere stories live. Discover now