Best Friends forever you promised me
Wished the future I could foreseeFor the promises were broken with a few fights
It was only me that pushed them out of sight
Your change was inevitable but I still held on fast
Hoping the memories we made would last
A friend that I cherished suddenly became a strangerWith the pathetic excuse of that we became teenagers
You were like a moth drawn to the flaming light
As your eyes fixated on it you pushed me out of sight
Like a game of tug of war you pulled me to the edge
And I held on but you let go of me like a wretch
So it's apparent you've moved on but I could never bring myself to end
The long lasting memories I made with my forever best friend
Long poems from a short girl
ŞiirThese are my self wrote poems pretty self explanatory and random shit is also hidden in there. Some contain suicidal themes or cover mental health.