Chapter 7

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Three days after the meeting with my families and my life went back to normal. Nothing was troubling me like what last month did to me when I spent most of my time thinking about a lot of things including the solutions to my unintended lies.

But despite of having nothing that I needed to think of, there's something that I was not sure about went off. It feels like something went missing, but I can't seem to point it out. However, nowadays as I was always preoccupied with my own arsenics, I shrugged that feeling away.

It was during school days when I was daydreaming inside my class room, the events that happened to me lately kept on repeating itself in my mind, as if there's a broken recorder in my mind, playing a CD of my memories from the past few days repeatedly. From that day when I first met Hyeong Seop which was the day when he tripped himself at the school's ground and that time when he accidentally bumped his head and hit the coffee shop's door, to the night when he stumbled on the book store's step and ended up banging the door. Not to mention that night, he also spilled the orange juice on my clothes and panicked as if he killed a dude's girlfriend.

I suddenly blushed, remembering that incident where my whole family mistook Hyeong Seop for trying to touch me on my chest area when he never intended in doing such things to me. He was just helping me but somehow we ended up being caught in an awkward situation. And that was when my parents saw us and nearly scolded him for what they thought was an inappropriate thing.

I'm glad we managed to tell them that it was just a misunderstanding, and explained the whole incident to them before things had gotten worse and Hyeong Seop seemed like he would pee in his pants the second my mother was giving him her furious look she used to give me whenever I would disobey her orders.

Okay, I think I exaggerated that a bit. My mother doesn't look that furious. She's a soft woman but the moment you didn't manage to finish the foods she cooked, you're surely gonna get it from her.

It was so hard to not laugh seeing him that scared, and added to that, it was my mother he's scared of and I have no idea what thrilled him that much about my mother.
He was standing right in front of me with his hand was still hovering in front of my chest with only a thin layer of air covering the the small distance in between. And the moment my whole family suddenly came into the room, his eyeballs were almost popping out of his head as his hand that was just a few inches away from my chest was obviously trembling from fear. At first, I was trying to hold my laughter, but I ended cracking up right in the middle of the controversy after seeing him so petrified.
My cousins were giving me that deathliest stares a human being could ever give for what ever reasons they had in their minds and I could care less. I'm getting use to that stares already.

But nevertheless, I was still thankful about all the things that happened in such a short period of time whether it was a good one or a bad one. It made me feel happy in some kind of way.

Feelings like this are rare to me. It was new and different.

Ever since I met and knew Hyeong Seop, I felt different. Whenever he was around, I could feel this kind of excitement I never felt when I'm with Daniel. There's something about Hyeong Seop that manage to light up a different kind of joy in me.
Is it his clumsiness? Or perhaps his weird character?
It was like, he brought this new feeling along with him. It feels so different and unusual, yet unforgettable at the same time.

Even though we barely talked, I started to feel a bit comfortable around him as if we had known each other for a long time. I had only known him within one week but every time he did anything out of his clumsy behavior, I would secretly smile at how silly it was and added to that, every thing that reminds me of Hyeong Seop always manage to tickles my heart. He sure had some effect on me.

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