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"I confessed to him." I told Daniel with giddiness first thing in the morning the moment I arrived at school. It's been four days ever since the night we confessed our love for each other, and just then I could finally told Daniel about it since I had been absent for the past four days due to having a high fever.

Call me stupid for not using the technologies but I just want to tell him myself to express to him how happy I was about the good news. And certainly, using mobile phone or such things like that wasn't gonna be so much fun.

"Oh really! Wow then are you two together- like, are the two of you a real couple right now?"

His question rang my mind.

For sure Hyeong Seop did confessed to me that he love me too. But does that make us a couple?

If not, then what are we?

"About that- I'm not sure yet." I smiled sheepishly at him.


During break time, I spent my times walking around the school premises as if taking a fresh air and refreshing my mind.

I walked around the school garden when suddenly, the empty school basketball court caught my attention.

So I went there, thinking that it could be a great place to be alone.

"What." I bounced the ball that I found on the ground, saying words by words the thing that had been bothering my mind.

"Are." I made another bounce, a little harder than the first one.


Little did I know, someone was there at the court with me.

"Hey what are you doing here?" The voice echoed throughout the empty space.

"Omo kamchakgiyya!" I turned my body around and accidentally threw the ball towards the voice I heard.

"Woah." My eyes met Hyeong Seop who had a ball firmly held in between his hands.

"It's you." I muttered but Hyeong Seop happened to heard it as he was actually approaching me.

"Aren't you happy to see me? You've been absent for four days. Didn't you miss me?" I blushed at his questions and honestly, I had been blushing ever since I laid my eyes on him a few moments before.

Whilst on the other hand, Hyeong Seop doesn't seemed so bothered about it as he kept on that slumber face of him while trying to shoot the ball into the net.

Ugh, I hate it when I'm the only one who feel flustered.

"It's not that-"

"I missed you though." He cut me off in between, while he was still focusing with aiming the ball. He wasn't looking at me either when he said that, which made it a bit easier for me to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"It's true," Hyeong Seop added and by now, he was already turning his body around to face me.

"I do miss the times you were not around." He walked closer to me. "What about you?"

"Uhh- I- miss you too." For sure I wasn't so used to saying those words and though it sounded like I was being doubtful of my choice of words, I really meant it.

Hyeong Seop smiled sweetly to me before grabbing my left hand, holding it firmly in his.

"Is there something wrong?" He suddenly asked me as he went to study my face.

"Uh nothing."

"You know what, I read an article before and it says; when a girl says nothing, it means there's something wrong. And I can finally relate that article to this situation." I laughed at him. It wasn't so funny but it was something relatable.

"Hahaha, okay-okay you got me there," I paused momentarily, inhaling a deep breathe after laughing.
"Actually, there's one thing that I had been thinking of right now."

"What is it?" Hyeong Seop asked.

"What actually are- we?" I could tell the question confused him so I decided to explain it to him.

"You know, like, Daniel and Minkyung are a couple and they date each other.. then what- exactly are we?" I asked him again, my voice was getting smaller and smaller as I asked him the important parts.

"You are my girlfriend." He simply said it and I immediately turned my head to him.

I was taken aback by it. My heart was on the verge of exploding.

"But you never asked me-"

"I never asked you but I did tell everyone that you're my girlfriend." He made me even more confused than I was. Did I forget something? Cause as far as I could remember, he never asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Huh? When was it?"

"At your cousin's party." He started and by now I remembered almost all the things he said that night."I might be your pretended boyfriend, but I never pretended anything."

He placed his fingers on my chin, rising it up so that he could look through my eyes.

"Does that answer your question?" I swear even the simplest thing he did never fails to make me blush and even the slightest skin contact could make me melt for him.

I nodded my head as I was too embarrassed to even mutter a word.

He smiled, letting go of my chin before intertwining his hand with his.

We walked out of the basketball court hand in hand, walking around the empty school ground with only a comfortable silence accompanying us.

Nobody was there at that moment. Only the both of us, spending our free times together.

"By the way, are you free tomorrow?" Hyeong Seop suddenly said as we stood by the huge tree by the school's field.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him smiling ever so widely as I had a feeling where this conversation was going to.

"Let's go on a date."

The End.

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