Chapter 19

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My other classmates have left the classroom for break time and I was left alone inside the empty room with bubbles of thoughts accompanying me.

The events that happened that morning kept me thinking as I was trying to find a possible way to get the bento box back before the guy named Park Woojin found it.

Class 9-A.

I was hiding behind the door, peeking through the small open gap. I saw the class was almost deserted except that there's still a few boys inside the class. And amongst all of them was Hyeong Seop. I saw him sitting on a chair, not too far away from a group of boys who were standing just beside the lockers.

He was sitting alone. And he seemed like he was in a deep, deep, deep thought.

Call me a freak for hiding behind the door as if I was stalking some boys, but I really needed to get that bento box back before anything happened. But I was too late.

"Ommo, Ommo. What's this? Guys, I found this inside my locker." Said the brown haired guy so suddenly as soon as he opened his locker and saw a bento box with a light blue ribbon around it. My bento box. The guy then held the box out and showed it to his friends who started to gather around the him, including Hyeong Seop.

He must've been Park Woojin.

"Woojin-ah, is that a bento box? Yah! Someone just gave a bento to you. It must've been your secret admirer." Said one of his friends.

"Really? An admirer? I wonder who could it be?" Said Woojin, smiling shyly showing his snaggle tooth as he opened the bento box. "Wow, how does this person even know I love kimbab." He ate one of the kimbab and complimented on how tasty it was.

It's tasty? Ayy that's not important right now. He ate my kimbab! No. He just ate the kimbab I made for Hyeong Seop!

Hyeong Seop was standing in front of his locker, putting some of his books and completely ignoring the other boys who were questioning about Woojin's mysterious admirer, when the latter asked him, "Do you know who could it be Seop-ah?"

I saw Hyeong Seop turned to face Woojin and eyed the bento box before turning his attention back on doing what he did before.

"No. I have no idea." He simply said in a monotone, showing no sign of interest to him. Why did he lie to him?

Whilst the other boys were teasing Woojin about his secret admirer, Hyeong Seop was done with arranging his stuffs inside his locker. The next thing he did surprised the hell out of me. He slammed his locker shut which gained the other boys attention. The atmosphere inside the classroom went silent immediately.

"Seop-ah, is everything okay?" Asked Woojin.

From my hiding spot, I could see Hyeong Seop was heaving out a heavy sigh before facing Woojin and the other boys once again and assured them that everything was fine.

No. Everything's not fine. Hyeong Seop-ah, what happened to you?

"I think I just loose the grip. I'm sorry." He smiled weakly at them before walking towards the door. More specifically, towards the door I was hiding at.

Shoot. He's going this way.

I froze on my spot, unable to move an inch. Not until the doorknob twisted a bit. I took a few steps backward, thinking that it might not be too late to make a run for it, but unfortunately Hyeong Seop beat me first.

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