Judges Houses

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"I want to hear One Direction sing." Lori says as the introduction rolls.

"We all know Beth wants to hear Niiiaaaallllll!" The judges start appearing to their groups and finally it comes to the groups. They introduce the boys as One Direction as the groups meet Simon in Spain.

"One Direction!" I say, excited. The girls meet Cheryl and she introduces Will.I.Am. Dani is joined by Natalie from the auditions. Simon has invited Sinitta.  Louis is joined by Sharon Osbourne. The boys are the first to be introduced and talked about. 

Nicolo was the first boy to perform. 

"Damn. He is good." I say and Lori reasons with me.

"He is only the first to go." He finishes and Tom is the next to step up to the plate. He sang and again my heart swooned. Paije walks in and performs.

It goes straight into John Wilding singing and then goes on to Karl Brown. 

"They must be going home." Matthew says as they don't much focus on them. Marlon sings and I look at the screen as his kids flash on. 

"Next up is 27 year old Matt Cardle."  He starts talking about his life and I just laugh at how he was afraid of the planes and how he was a painter. He starts singing If I Were A Boy by Rihanna. 

"His voice is so full of raw emotion but the vocals could be better." I say as he walks away. Aiden was the final boy to perform. 

"He has to get through! He is the X Factor." Matthew says as Aiden starts singing.

"They gave him a hard song." I say while they were talking about him. Dani and Natalie talk  about the competition and all the boys and who has their strengths and weaknesses. 

"It's time for Louis to come face to face with the over 28s and first up is Steven Hunter from Scotland." Dermont says and Steven sings.

"I can't take him seriously. He isn't a singer." Matthew comments.  Yuli and Justin both come on just to bomb it.

"I worry for this category." Sharon says. Wagner comes in next and begins to sing.  He does fine and the show goes on to Mary. 

"She is definitely going through." I say as she starts singing Fix You by Coldplay.

"Finally a good performance!" I shout at Louis. Next is John Adeleye who sings Billionare by Travie McCoy. 

"I liked that a lot." Elesha comes out and does well on her song.

"The last over 28 is Storm Lee." He starts singing and he blows me away.

"I still don't like him but he has a great voice." I say, checking Twitter. While I'm preoccupied with my phone, the judges decide and the show goes on to the groups. First up is Twem. 

"I would buy their album." Lori says and Belle Amie, put together like One Direction, starts singing like a band. 

"Okay. I am in love with them!! They are fantastic." I say as they walk away. Princes and Rouge sing and I nod as I listen to their choir like song. Husstle performs a less the great performance. The Reason bombs their song.

"I wanna hear One Direction!" I moan, to my surprise they were next.


"Louis cut up his foot and has gone to the hospital."  

"While One Direction is waiting, F.Y.D. is going to perform." Dermont says, crushing my happiness. F.Y.D. starts singing and I laugh.

"If they get through I'm going to scream." I say as they finish their performance. Diva Fever is next and start performing.

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