Chapter Three

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We rush up to the venue, seeing a line of two hundred or so girls and their parents. My insides are going crazy as we got in line.

"I can't deal. I'm going to puke." Juliet says, blubbering on and on about how good its going to be. I remind her that we still have to wait here over night, but she didn't seem to care. Matt and I share a "this is going to be a long night" look and laugh. He slings his arm around her and she shuts up, blushing. A group of girls, who had been staring at Matt since we arrived, looked madly jealous. Matt kissed Juliet's temple and told her to go to sleep. The line was long, which mean't we would be pretty far back.

I fell in and out of sleep, being awoken every now and then by girls screaming, pretending the acts were there to make people get out of line. I woke up again at 7 am to Matt walking up with breakfast from itsabagel and lunch for later from nandos. He hands me mine and I scarf it down. Jules blinks tiredly, eating hers slowly.

The line seemed to have doubled every few hours as we slept. I say there were about five hundred people. Some with homemade signs and some with tshirts. I lean against the wall and fell asleep once again. This time, I slept until 4 pm, an hour before the venue opened. Pretty much everyone is in line and all of the acts have arrived in a tour bus.

"I want to go in already. I'm cold!" I shivered as I took out my phone to check everyone's tweets. 

"So happy to be in my home country!" Niall had tweeted an hour ago. All the boys were pretty much AFK, and the other acts were tweeting about the scenery. I snap a picture for twitter and i hear cheering. They were letting people in early, but only every other ninth group, in honor of nine acts.When we finally got to go in, we filed into the venue. We ended up being row 15 out of 25.

I play angry birds on my phone until Dermont comes onto the stage. My eardrums pretty much busted right then. 

"Goooooood afternoon everyone! How are you guys doing?" Screams.

"Me too!" Screams.

"Alright, everyone is super excited to perform for you guys." Screams.

"Are you excited?" Louder screams.

"Well, without further or do, I present to you, the 9th place contestant, Aiden Grimshaw!" Dermont runs off the stage as Aiden strolls on, wearing his charming smile. Juliet screams in my ear and I begin jumping up and down.

"How are you?" He asks the crowd. Girls scream things like 'I love you!' or 'You're hot!' He laughs and tells us his first song.

He performs a couple of songs like his audition and his final performance. He kept looking at me and smiling. He finished and thanked the crowd. He introduced Katie next and then it was Wagner and then Mary. They all looked so weird not on a tv screen. The closer it got to One Direction's turn to perform, the more my stomach filled with butterflies.

Cher came on to the stage and Juliet screamed. Cher looked taken back. She smiles.

"Hey guys!" She says in her adorable accent. She started with singing No Diggity. After she performed Stay and then Girlfriend. She finished with her audition song. As she left the stage, all the girl began to chant," One Direction! One Direction!" I strained to see behind the curtain, only catching glimpses of the crew.

"HOW ARE Y'ALL DOING?!" Liam screams running on to the stage, followed by the rest of the boys. Liam is wearing a red hoodie over a black shirt with jeans. Louis has on a black v neck and khakis. Zayn is dressed in a grey sweater and maroon jeans. Harry is wearing a green shirt and dark wash jeans. Niall has on a baby blue shirt and light wash jeans to match. The crowd is going crazy as they wave at us. Juliet is bouncing around and I'm completely still as I watch Niall smile out at the crowd. The beginning cords of Viva la Vida begin to play and Niall drifts around the stage. They begin to sing and everyone is singing along. They finish the song and begin Kids of America. They dance around the stage and act goofy, just as they would on Tv. 

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