Chapter 1 - Close

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So this is the first chapter! Im going to do about 5 chappies and if people vote and comment and like it the I'll do more! Keep smiling and remember to love Niam! Xx

Chapter 1 - Close


Liam P.O.V.

I was sitting on the couch watching Toy Story, (my all time fave movie) when suddenly my vision was blocked with the cool, pale hands of Niall Horan.

"Toy Story? Again? I think you have a problem Li" his irish voice sang as he jumped over the sofa and say next to me.

"Whats wrong with Toy Story?!" I fake gasped as he laughed.

"Seriously though Li you watch it like 4 times a day! Come play in the pool with me! Pleeeeese?...."

He looked at me pleadingly with his puppy dog eyes that he knows I can't say no to.

"Damn you Niall, you know I cant resist those puppy dog eyes!"

He laughed and pulled me up by my hand. He pulled me out the door and In to the garden. We were still holding hands as we jumped into the pool fully clothed. Luckily I had the good sense to leave my phone and wallet on the sofa!

Niall P.O.V.

I realised when we jumped into the pool, that I was still gripping his hand tight so I quickly realised before it became to awkward. Why was I always so nervous around him? It didn't use to be like this.


"Don't be such a girl!" I laughed at him as he quickly began swimming lengths to keep warm.

I could see the muscles in his arms tense and the muscles in his back clench. He looked even sexier when he was in the water. His top clung to him, clearly showing his defined abs and fit body. I had to mentally punch myself to stop looking at him like he was something to eat....


"Haha Niall your stomachs rumbling already! We only had lunch 20 minutes ago! Do you ever stop eating?" Liam looked at me amused....

"Nope!" I grinned my 'cheeky' smile at him. I had a plan...Well I wasn't going to let him get away with teasing me, was I?!

I dived underwater and swam over to him. I grabbed his leg and pulled him down underneath with me. He was kicking and shouting and I was laughing and for 2 minutes I forgot all about how I was feeling towards him. For those 2 minutes it was back to how it used to be. Just how I liked it, me and Liam messing around and having fun without having to think about everything I say or do.

Liam P.O.V.

I kicked and screamed as Niall pulled me further under water. The little leprechaun! Is there no end to his mischief?

Screaming probably wasn't a good idea under water cos I soon started to choke. Niall let go of me when he saw I was chocking, I rushed to the surface and soon after me Niall appeared, floating in the water looking as sexy as ever.

"Whats the matter Li? Cant handle a bit of water. I could see him laughing at me so I just dunked him under and swam to the edge to get out....

"Oh no you don't!" I heard Niall follow me out the pool so I ran, laughing all the way.

We both ran through the house, our clothes soaked and stuck to us like glue. These are the things I love doing with Niall. Just messing around and being happy. Not having to be 'daddy directioner'. God I hated that name!

"Oi! Ni," i shouted to him from the other end of the corridor, "I'm gonna get changed and finish watching Toy Story..."

I heard him mumble something about needing to educate me in movies but I just laughed as I closed the door behind me.

I began to take me wet clothes off (which wasn't very easy) soon I had them off and piled in the corner of the room along with a load of other clothes.... Okay so i'm not the neatest guy!

The door suddenly flew open and Niall came in. I tried to find something to cover myself with but nothing was in my reach. I was completely butt naked. My hands instently went to my privates but it was too late - he had all ready seen my semi.

"Oh my god sorry you would by now! just came to... er...never mind...ill errr....." Niall blushed and run put the room and I just stood there shocked. I mean sure we'd seen each other in out boxers and shirtless and stuff but never naked.

After that encounter I decided to lock the door and finish changing. I looked in the mirror and realised that my cheeks were bright red. Well that's just awkward.

Niall P.O.V

I rushed out the room, my cheeks red from embarrassment. I swear I hadn't meant to walk in on him naked. I didn't look... I didn't.

About 5 minutes later I heard Liam walk out and so I tried to act normal.... How do you act normal when you've just seen someone totally naked?!

"Hey" he said casually and joined me on the couch.

"Hey... Um... I er didn't mean to walk in on on you...."

"Haha its fine Ni!"

I swear he just winked at me..... Winked? No I must have imagined it.

Liam put Toy Story back on, say down on the couch and we had soon ended up how we always did; my head on his chest and one of his hands in my hair while the other holding my free hand.

At least me walking in on him naked hadn't made things really awkward and he still felt comfortable around me..... I mean what if he thought I walked in on purpose? What if he thinks I'm a creep? We were so close I don't want to ruin it.

"Liam?...." I looked up at him but he was fast asleep. He might be the one who always wakes us up to get to interviews and places but Li really could sleep for England......

I looked up at him and with every breath I swear he just got more perfect. His perfect face and his soft lips, his roughly shaven face matched perfectly with his messy hair.

NO! I closed my eyes and forced myself to stop thinking. I couldn't let myself think like that. It's wrong. It's just plain wrong.

I wanted to move out of Liam's embrace but if I did he would probably wake up and I know how much he needed the sleep. So I just lay there in my own world. Trying to figure out what was going on in my messed up head.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Meanwhile outside in the garden, a pap has sneaked in and is taking pictures of Niall and Liam on the sofa.......

So what do you think?! I hope it wasn't too bad! Little bit of a cliffhanger! ;) Things will happen..... ;)

I always welcome advice on how to improve and make my writing better but no hate please! :p I know its slow starting and its quite short but I promise I have great things planned!

So yeah! Vote! Comment! Love! If i get good feedback then Ill keep going but otherwise Ill probs just go to 5 chapters! Love you sexy people! Xx

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