Q&A With The Characters! (And Me)

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Sorry this isn't an update peeps! 

So it seems loads of peeps are doing this so i thought, why not?! :p If you don't know how this works then here's whatcha do!

Comment any questions you have for Niall,Liam,Louis,Zayn,Harry or even me and i will answer them as what they would say! You can ask as many questions as you want! They can be about ANYTHING AT ALL!! Weather it's to do with this story or a random question about cheese, it will be answered! 

Also whoever's question is my fave will get a dedication in the answers! I will answer them probs after the weekend (Monday or Tuesday) So have fun with questions, be inventive, be CRAZY! LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY!

And I'm going to end this before I start rambling 'cos i think you peeps can tell by now that i ramble a lot xD Love ya'll!!! XxXxXxxXx

EDIT - If questions are asked after I put up the answers i will just add the answers to those in :p (does that even make any sense?!) :P XxXxXxx

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