Epilouge - We Made It

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So i've been putting off writing this cos its just sad its ending but its time sexies! The end is here and the FEELS are painful but we will get through it together! I threw in some Larry feels aswell :D love you guys and i can't believe how amazayn you all are! This story has over 2.3K reads which is SO INSANE i don't think i've fully processed it yet..... xD xx

The new cover is by the AMAZAYN @Kjmonkey - by babes, freckles i love you so much and the cover is awsome! :D If you havent seen what the old cover was, it's on the side of the prolouge <3

I really love the video on the side its so sweet and NIAM <3 I think you sexies can guess what the pic on the side is of :p <3 also the external link is to a gif of what i think is probably THE cutest Niam moment EVER - it sends chills down my back - then i die. <3 <3 <3

Epilogue - Eventually


Niall's P.O.V.

"Niall - it's time to go" Harry says behind me, but I ignore him. I'm here to pay my respects and i shall do so in my own time. "We're gonna miss the plane Nialler..." 

I ignore Harry and place the rose I had on the grave.



9th JULY 1981 - 17th JUNE 2013

"You know, I have a lot to thank you for... and a lot to be sorry for. I shouldn't have run into the road, otherwise you wouldn't be here..." I feel Harry lean down beside me and place a hand on my back - 

"Niall, I know you want to pay your respects and that, but your getting married in exactly 23 hours and we still need to get to he airport..... we really have to go!" I know he's right, but i have to finish what i've started.

"It should have been me Harry," I say because it's the truth, I survived when i shouldn't have and she died. "It should be me in the ground, not her... it's all my fault." I feel the tears begin to form in my eyes - damn i told myself I wouldn't cry today.

"Nialler none of this is your fault, it's just life. I know it's sad but it happens... come Niall, it's your big day! No tears yeah?" Harry helps me up and passes me my cain. I had to have a lot of operations on my left leg after the accident, nearly all my leg bones had shattered. I was in a wheelchair for nearly a year, then crutches - 3 years later and i still can't walk properly but that's okay, I just get Liam to carry me everywhere....

I give one last look back at the grave of the driver who hit me, I still feel horrible. If i hadn't run into the road none of this would have happened, though it did make me and Liam realize we didn't want to leave the bad so i guess something good came out of it. She died on impact into the wall, I only learned her name last year when I finally got the courage to come here. I come whenever i can now.

"You know," I say as we're walking back to the car, "Next it'll be you and Lou getting ready for the big day! Now that you've finally told the world about you two, everyone can be happy!" I look at Harry and he has the stupidest smile on his face. I remember the reaction last night when they told the world...

~~~FLASHBACK~~~ [Wow haven't had one of these in a while!]

"OKAY okay okay okay!" I say, trying to calm the crowd down, "Before our last song, we have a couple of things to tell you all!" 

We are at Wembly Stadium on our second stadium world tour - our last show of our last tour. After tonight, One Direction will be no more.

"As you all know, this is the last concert of the tour," Liam took over - "But what you don't know, is that this, is our last tour as One Direction." The crowd are suddenly silent as Liam says these words, I guess they hadn't expected that...

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