Chapter 11 - Tour Me Apart

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Okay so I just realized that i said their TMH tour started in America but it didn't it started in England haha oops i really cba to go back and change that so this is the start of the American leg of the tour! :P just clearing up any confusion there might have been :P 

This chappie is dedicated to kadiebmore for all her lovelie comments and always making me smile! :D 


Read on lovelies! XxXxXx

Chapter 11 - Tour Me Apart


(6th June, 2013 - Sunrise, Florida - 1st Concert In America)

Zayn's P.O.V.

The fans were still screaming even though we had already left the stage and were now being rushed to the tour bus ready to take us to Miami for our concert tomorrow night.

The boys were all laughing and jumping around, still hyped from the concert but i just felt tired. Don't get me wrong I loved it - it was great and the fans are amazing but I just didn't feel the same.... rush? It doesn't make any sense how i could have gone from being so happy on stage to being so unhappy off stage. I just need some sleep I guess....

"Hey Zaynie you ok?" Louis asked me, breaking away from the other guys and finally realizing i exist.

"Yeah fine. Just tired." I mumbled, he looked at me oddly but i just ignored it and walked into the bathroom. I locked the door and went over to the sink. I turned the cold tap on and ran my hand under the water to make sure it was as cold as could be. Cupping my hands, i filled them up with the cold water and splashed it over my face. 

I did it again.

And again.

"What's wrong with me?" I said to myself in the mirror.

Niall's P.O.V.

There he goes again - making my heart skip a beat and confusing me even more. Sure I know i love him and I defiantly want to be with him but there are things that are bigger than us.... This thing between me and Liam isn't just about us anymore, Harry and Lou and Zayn are involved too! It effects them, there carriers.

But I love him and I want it to be enough but i'm not sure that it is.

I sat awkwardly next to Liam on the tour bus, looking down at my entwined fingers and trying to block out the sound of his adorable laugh. I don't know why but i felt sort of hurt that he found it so easy to pretend like there was nothing between us. I know i messed up but I never thought he (or me) would be able to just go on being friends...


"You know maybe we should just forget today. Forget anything happened!" Liam's voice had finally lowered but I could still hear the anger in it and it scared me. I've hurt him and I can't do anything to stop him talking! If he would just listen to me.....

I grabbed his face and pulled him onto my lips, neither of us deepened the kiss and it was rough and fueled with anger. His hands grasped at my hair and I pulled his body onto mine so he was half laying on me.

"Ouch." He mumbled, pulling away from me and rubbing his side, "The handbrake was digging into me...." 

I ignored him. "You can't deny we don't have something Li...."

"And you can't deny you love me."

---------END FLASHBACK---------

Harry's P.O.V.

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