Chapter 3 - I Dare You...

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Well here it goes! It should start ti get interesting now ;) You guys are gonna love, then hate, then love me :D Mwahaha ohhh the plans I have! xD Xx Love you all and please please please vote and comment! It helps alot! :D XxXxXx

Chapter 3 - I Dare You...


Harry P.O.V.

I can't believe the smart ass Liam is! Turning a dare into a truth. Well at least now we now why Zayn's been so distant!

Next it was Louis turn, "Truth or Dare?" he asked Liam. This should be interesting! Lou always had great ideas for truth or dares. He was a true mastermind!

We all watched Liam thinking about it..... I guess it was a hard decision considering Lou is a complete nutter.


What a wuss! I mean man up! Lou looked disappointed and I didn't blame him - he probably had a great dare. He loves teasing Liam; especially about Niall. Speaking of had no one realised how quiet he was being? He was just looking at Liam... he looked confused.

Me and Louis exchanged glances, I could see in his eyes he had thought of a truth. It was bound to be mean and virtually impossible to answer! Lou had this way of getting under your skin. Weather it was to tease you or make you angry or just for the fun of it. I spose you could say he got under my skin too. More than I liked to admit.

"Fine. If we were dying and you could only save one of us, who would it be?" Louis winked at Liam and he just glared back.

That was a mean one; even for Lou! Liam had always been the daddy of the group, the older brother. We all knew how much he cared for us - Li is one of those really genuine, caring people who just have massive hearts. How was he gonna get himself out of this one?

Liam looked around the group, Zayn was looking at his phone oblivious to the ongoing game - Lou was grinning like a mad man and Niall was just looking at Liam like he had been for the past two minutes. There is no other way to describe his expression other than pure interest and confusion.... and maybe a bit of amusement.

Before Liam could open his mouth to protest, Lou jumped in - "You gotta answer it Li!"

Liam opened, then closed his mouth. Gaping like an idiot he just sat their thinking. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.... I mean come on?! It was obvious he would choose Niall. Those two were attached to the hip!

"Shut up harry." Finally the leprechaun speaks!

Even Zayn had stopped texting and was now looking at Liam, we all were. He better come up with an answer before Lou got impatient. An impatient Louis is never a good thing.

"If you were all dying and I could only save one then I wouldn't save any of you. I'd die with you guys cos living without all of you just isn't an option..."

I looked around the circle at the shocked expressions on everyones face. Niall just sat their like a puppy, Zayn looked amused and Louie looked.... really pissed off.

"That's not fair you can't do that!"

"Leave it be Lou!" I pulled him back so that he couldn't get up and have one of his strops. "If you think about you should be flattered."

Meet Harry Styles - Voice of reason. I humbly accept your applause!

Niall suddenly sparked into life and jumped up to get his bag of nuts. Hungry already? Jeez....

"Truth or dare?" He directed at me.

"Dare" Was there any other choice?!

Niall grinned his mischievous smile, he whispered something to Liam and his grin grew about ten times larger. He looked like a less creepy version of the grinch.

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