Final Chapter - Part 2 - Stay

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So here it is! The final chapter! #SadMoments :( I have nothing to say really other than enjoy and i love ya'll so much but i should hope you know that by now! :p

Gif: Liam casually professing his love for Niall like we dont already know :D 

So the song is 'Stay' the Cher Lloyd version and im pretty sure ive used it before in a chappie somewhere (or not idk aha) but it really fits with this chappie and also i just love the song and her - it gives me chills <3 XxXxXXxxXx

Final Chapter - Part 2 - Stay


Liam's P.O.V.

I watched as Niall's body was effortlessly lifted into the air, a piecing scream filled my ears and I vaguely noticed the car crashing into the wall opposite. Time slowed down as Niall's body hit the ground with a loud 'thud'.

I ran over to the body lying on the floor of the road, tears clouding my vision. I collapsed on to the floor next to Niall and cradled his body in my arms.

My Niall.

My Niall....

I suddenly realized that i should call an ambulance, I reach into my pocket (being careful not to jog Niall's body) and grab my phone, but as i do it starts ringing


 "Liam! I heard Louis and Harry talking about some plan to get you and Niall together and i thought you should know 'cos they really have no right to interfere and I just thought i should give you a heads up! Also -" I listened to Zayn ramble but nothing he said registered in my brain. Only Niall.

"Zayn." With that one simple word, the sobs escaped my mouth and another waterfall of tears ran down my cheeks.

"Zayn, I-it's Niall." I chocked out the words, still holding Niall in my arms. "Call and ambulance." 


"BP's falling."

"Hearts's failing."

"Internal bleeding."

"Get my bloods and cross-match 6 - no 8, units."

"Shattered leg. Broken pelvis. Fractured arm. Cracked ribs."

"We need a CT scan pronto! Server head damage."

"We need to get him to theater!"

None of what the paramedics were saying made sense, all i know is the love of my life is dying and there's nothing I can do.

This boy should be dead!"


3 pairs of arms comforted me as I watched Niall on the operating table. My eyes focused on the heart monitor, making sure that every second it beeped. Tears still clouded my vision and any voices that were raised seemed as if they were a thousand miles away. Everyone in the room might as well be gone - only me and Niall.

My Niall. Don't leave me.


You've been lying there, the same position, same look on your beautiful face, for two days now.... I haven't left our side and I never will - not even when you wake up. I need you to wake up Niall.

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