Chapter 9 - Consequences Of Us

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Well hey there! How are you? I hope your life is great and amazing :D

Recently a few of my friends have been having a really hard time with family and things so i am making a conscious effort to be even more amazing than my usual self ;) 'cos really who couldn't need just that bit more love in their lives?

So I'm quite excited about this chappie 'cos I think this one has some nice drama in it!!! Read on sexy peeps!


Chapter 9 - Consequences Of Us


Harry P.O.V.

Zayn, Lou and I sat in the reception of our management's main building in London - we weren't due another meeting until next week so it must have been important, otherwise they would have just called one of us.

Obviously Liam and Niall weren't here and we weren't really sure where they were. When we left them for the weekend, we didn't think they would disappear! Liam and Ni obviously had some things to sort out, personally I just hope that 'Niam' does finally happen! It was so obvious, the way they looked at each other, it was just too cute really.

We were waiting for nearly half an hour when Simon's assistant came out and told us he was ready to see us. I hated going to these big meetings, we always got told of for something and it was defiantly the downside to the job!

I followed behind Lou and Z, keeping my head low - I don't know what this was about but I just wanted to stay out of it and go back to the amazing weekend I had been having with the two boys!

"Take a seat boys." Simon said kindly, despite what most people thought, he wasn't actually that bad, it was the other members of our management team that were the narrow minded dickheads! Don't get me wrong, they aren'y homophobes, but they still wouldn't me come out. Wouldn't let me and Lou be together. They have this stupid idea that the fans won't like it and sales would drop - even though everyday we get hundreds of messages from fans, saying they support 'Larry' and they still love us all the same. We really do have the best fans/ Just the worse management.

My internal rant over, I sat down in-between Zany and Louis, none of us said anything until Zayn spoke up:

"Anyone have any idea where Liam and Ni are?"

"Yes, they are on there way, I called them before I called you lot. They were in the middle of no where outside of London..." Simon said, trailing of muttering something about irresponsibility and the 'Larry situation' all over again and how he didn't need this right now.

That's all very well for him to say, but he isn't the one that has to lie to not only my family and friends, but also the entire world, about me and Louis. Sometimes I wish we hadn't become quite so successful, I just want to be with Lou and not have to worry about the paps or people seeing us.

We waited for about 10 more minutes before the door suddenly burst open and Liam ran in, out of breath with Niall on his back. I saw Simon's expression change from the kind face that had greeted us, to the very annoyed, very angry face that let us know he was being serious and this was not the time to mess around.

I hope Louis will keep his mouth shut, he can be a real bigmouth sometimes!

"Liam, Niall, sit down and DON'T say anything until I have finished talking! Got that?" Simon said sternly, letting Liam and Ni sit down sheepishly before continuing.

"As you all know, the whole Larry situation is finally under control and people have stopped questioning that now, you all know how hard it was to get all those rumours to die down and you know that i support you but I have explained to you all that inner band relationships never work and are never good for sales! Yes? So Niall, Liam, would you care to explain to me why you have been so careless in your endeavours?!

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