{Six} Never Let Go

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"In the arms of the ocean, so sweet and so cold

And all this devotion, well, I never knew at all

And the questions I have for a sinner released

In the arms of the ocean deliver me"

-Never Let Me Go, Florence + the Machine

To his credit, Cap didn't look remotely thrown by my bluntness. I mean, at this point he probably just accepted it.

"If you're my wife, they'll leave ya alone," he said matter of factly.

How romantic.

I snorted my disbelief.

He shrugged one shoulder. "They respect that sorta thing."

"So, lemme get this straight," I started, trying not to come off too hot. But I couldn't help being disappointed. I'd gone months without him and traveled back for him because I loved him. And he wanted to marry me out of practicality? "You just wanna marry me in the hopes they'll leave me alone..."

Cap shot me a look of pure annoyance. "Quit it."

"I'm serious. I came back because I actually thought you wanted to marry me and be with me."

"You know I do."

"Doesn't seem like it..."

He sighed heavily. "You're pushin' it, darlin'."

Was it too much to ask? Maybe. I'd just won a pretty big battle and already I was demanding another one. Deep down I knew I was being petty. But Cap didn't really understand the risks involved for me here.

Huffily, I turned away and stayed silent.

He sighed again. "Goddamn stubborn ass," he muttered under his breath, along with some other things I didn't quite catch.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh...!" He stood up in a small fit of rage, shooting me a glare. "Ya know damn well! Shootin' your goddamn mouth off bout shit ya don't understand!"

I stood up, too. "No, you don't understand! Where I'm from, marriage actually means something. I'm not just gonna marry you in the hopes it'll protect me from those bastards! I'd marry you because I love you and want to be with you, and that's how I want you to marry me! Not because you think you have to!"

His eyes bulged incredulously. He started a few sentences before he began pacing. I'd pissed him off within seconds of him calming down. Yup, I was definitely wife material. "I can't....I can't even...."

He just said he can't even...God if only I wasn't so mad.

Suddenly he jabbed an accusing finger at me. "You want too much, woman!"

"Excuse me?" I laughed without humor.

"What do ya want from me?!"

"I want you to say you'll marry me because you love me, you ginormous asshole!"

"Asshole?!" He shook his head angrily in disbelief. "I ask ya to marry me, and I'm an asshole?"

"Because you make it out to be a practical thing!"

He grinned like a mad man. "You're crazy."

"So you've told me." I crossed my arms tightly over my chest. Really, I wasn't asking that much here.

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