{Thirteen} Mrs. Hatfield

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Ordinarily, Cap was the first to wake up. This morning, though, it was my eyes that opened as the sunlight crept through the bedroom window—our bedroom window. It would seem I wasn't the only one who had missed sleeping in a real bed. I hadn't really expected that from Cap, being as though I was fairly certain he was born in the woods. Watching him now, curled comfortably on his side with his arm loosely over me as he snored, I couldn't have been fonder of this man.

He looked so innocent, so carefree as he slept. It reminded me he was only nineteen. Sometimes I forgot how young he really was; he'd always acted so much older. Maybe it was seeing his facial features so relaxed instead of wearing that incredible Hatfield scowl that made him look younger. Without the perpetual crease between his brows and that grim frown, he looked almost approachable—almost.

Every now and then he'd twitch, making these soft but distressed noises. It hurt me to think he was chasing after demons even in his dreams.

I wished we could stay like this, just blissful newlyweds in bed. But I knew this peace was fleeting. Eventually, we'd have to get up and face his family. I could only hope Lavicy had spoken on our behalf with Anse last night, maybe talked some sense into him. But Anse was more stubborn than Cap, which was terrifying to think about as Cap was quite stubborn.

Thinking, a little melodramatically, that we might day later today, I gently pulled my fingers through Cap's blonde locks as I continued to watch him sleep.

"Goddamn, woman, I'm spent," he grumbled into the pillow. "Leave me 'lone."

I giggled like a love suck school girl, pushing back the memories of last night's activities. I didn't answer him, though, choosing instead to trail my fingers from his hair down his face and settling on his chest, idly playing with the fine hairs.

"Ain't you had 'nough of me?" he groaned in weak protest, barely suppressing a grin.

I rolled so I was curled at his side more fitfully, gazing down at his sleepy self. "I ain't never gonna have enough of you, Cap Hatfield."

He smirked lazily up at me, eyes only half opened. "That so?"

"I certainly didn't marry you cause your good looks," I teased.

He raised a dark brow at that, beginning to sit up. "That right?"

Shaking my head, I continued, "Nah, if I wanted all that I would've married Johnse, wouldn't I?"

His eyes flashed in playful anger and in instant, following a gruff, "That's it," he catapulted on top of me, pining me beneath him. "Say yer sorry."

I let out a string of uncontrollable laughter that resembled a witch's cackle. "Never!"

Cap's fingers assaulted my ribs in ceaseless tickles. I thrashed wildly to get away, but he easily captured both my wrists in one hand, suspending them above me.

"Cap, I'm gonna pee my pants, stop!" I cried even as I laughed.

He did not stop. In fact, my pleas only egged him on that much more. "Say yer sorry!" he repeated, barely stifling his own laughter.

"Damnit, Cap!" I screamed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

He paused his assault, but kept his hands menacingly suspended above my stomach. "Say I'm better lookin'," he demanded, looking only halfway joking.

I reached up to pull his face down, kissing him sweetly. "You're much better looking," I assured in a low voice.

Apparently that was good enough for Cap, because he didn't let me get in a word after that.

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