{Eighteen} Come Home

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  *A note before you begin: I went back and reread a bit of the first book in this series and noticed a few inconsistencies on my part. For one, from what I've researched it's actually Levicy and not Lavicy (although in my slight defense there are both spellings out there). In the first book, I did have her name as Levicy. However, since I've had it as Lavicy longer I'm just going to keep it. Two, I'd forgotten I had actually introduced Cap's siblings in book one. I introduced Betty, of course, but also Nanny and Robert (although Robert was vague) and Josie was aware of other boys around. Since I completely forgot, I'm just going to keep on as if she never met any of them other than Betty in book one. I know it's sloppy on my part, and I apologize for that. Keep in mind, however, I originally wrote this back in 2012 and I can't remember everything (you'd think that would make me more diligent with note taking, but I didn't actually plan for it to be a series at a time, nor did I expect to continue it so I was a tad lazy). Anyway, this is mostly for readers who are binging the series or those sharp eyed readers who have noticed any inconsistencies. If you notice anything else, please let me know and I'll try to clear it up! Happy reading!*

I must have dozed off again because suddenly I was waking up to the distinct smell of coffee. For a moment I was really confused and wondered aloud, "Mom?" thinking she'd gone down to Starbucks and gotten me my favorite drink.

But when I opened my eyes, it was Lavicy's soft eyes that looked back at me. She sat at the other rocker by my side.

I looked at her in shock and it took me a few tries, and lots of blinking back unexpected tears, to compose myself. Clearing my throat, I started, "How long was I out? Is Cap back?" And then immediately felt bad for not asking about her husband, who was in the same predicament as mine.

She shook her head slightly. "But don't you worry, they're too stubborn to die on us."

I smiled a little at that, silently agreeing.

We sat there in the quiet a few minutes. I was recognizing as this being something very comforting between Lavicy and me.

She sighed almost contentedly. "Don't get much time like this."

I wished I could enjoy it more. While Lavicy's presence was welcome, the quiet made me uncomfortable. It always had. And I couldn't help but agonize over Cap the longer he was away from me. Regret loomed over my head like a thunder cloud. I never should have let him go away being irritated at such an insignificant thing. I should have been kinder, more understanding. He was just trying to protect his family.

Suddenly Lavicy's fingers were atop mine. When I looked back at her, she had a smile that said she knew all my wandering thoughts in that moment. "He knows," she said softly.

My chin trembled. All I could do was nod.

The front door screeched open and slammed suddenly, several little feet pounding down the front porch into the yard.

Betty, Elias, and another young girl ran about chasing eachother while an older girl held a toddler in her arms. I remembered Lavicy telling me their names and ages and tried to figure out who was who on my own. Obviously the toddler was little Troy. If I had this right, the girl holding him was Nancy. The little girl running around with Elias and Betty had to be Mary, then.

"Nan, how's the baby?" Lavicy asked the older daughter.

She tucked her mousy brown hair behind her ear, away from her little brother's grubby fingers. "I think the cough's gone, Mama."

Cough? Was he sick? Did we need to find a doctor?

Lavicy, though, just calmly nodded. "Good lad." She outstretched her arms to Nancy.

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