{Fifteen} Innocence Lost

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  "What's gonna happen if Cap kills him?" I asked Anse. "Randall knows by now y'all have him, doesn't he?"

"If I know Rand'l, yep," Anse answered, picking up the pace. How Cap managed to get this far ahead of us, I didn't know. We weren't running, and I felt like we needed to be. If I didn't know where I was going, I would've darted right passed Anse.

"They'll kill him, won't they." It wasn't really a question.

Anse's silence was my answer, though.

I would not let Cap die. Of course, I had no way of knowing if traveling back and marrying Cap changed his fate with Tolbert in the saloon or not. If Cap killed Tolbert now, surely that would change. But at what cost? I couldn't risk it—I wouldn't. Was it possible just to ban Cap from all saloons until Tolbert inevitably died?

Damnit Cap, I thought. You're so headstrong and reckless, you're gonna get yourself killed!

Men are stupid.

Anse cursed under his breath, coming to a complete stop.

"What?" I whispered, my heartrate picking up a tick.

"He goddamn took the back-path!"


"Meanin' he's likely there already!" he quickly explained before breaking out in a full run.

I picked up my skirts and ran after him, surprised the old man was actually quite fast. Please, I prayed, don't let us be too late!

About the time that the Hatfield plantation was in sight and not so far away was when we heard the unmistakable sound of a gunshot.

Anse kept running, but I froze, my feet solidifying with the ground. We were too late. There was no going back now. What would happen? How were we going to cover this up? What if Tolbert was the last straw for Randall after losing his other sons? Did he even know about Pharmer yet? Oh God, this can't be happening. I just got Cap! I gave up my life to be with him. How was I going to go without him so soon?

I wouldn't.

Randall was never going to lay a finger on my Cap. If I had to take him out myself, I would. History be damned.

And then another thought hit me like a train.

What if the gunshot hadn't been Cap?

Just like that my feet were moving again, faster than I'd ever ran before. Anse was already to the barn. I didn't notice any emotion on him that could give away the death of his son, but then again I didn't know him well enough to know how he'd react.

Tears were already prematurely streaming down my face, my throat hiccupped on a breathless sob, by the time I reached him.

"Is he..?" I started before I even peaked inside.

Cap was on his back. It was the first thing I noticed and I nearly screamed. But then my fear was overtaken by confusion and anger as I noticed Jim standing over him; a boot pressed against his throat and his gun pointed down at him.

"Jim, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" I shrieked and stupidly advanced hotly towards him.

Anse's arm shot out to block my way, but he didn't touch me. Still, I took he warning and stayed behind him.

"Savin' this one's sorry arse!" Jim bellowed. The old man's chest was heaving about as hard as Cap's was, who was glaring menacingly up at his uncle.

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