Chapter 69: New Character Shows

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Raphna-"Where is Jackal?"

???-"ꀤ ꓄ꃅꀤꈤꀘ ꃅꍟ'ꌗ ꌗ꒒ꍟꍟᖘꀤꈤꁅ. ꌃꀎ꓄ ꀤ'ꎭ ꈤꂦ꓄
ꁅꂦꀤꈤꁅ ꓄ꂦ ꉓꃅꍟꉓꀘ. ꍏ ꌗꈤꍏꀘꍟ ꈤꍟꍟꀸꌗ ꓄ꂦ

Both of us  were staring at a girl with white hair and red eyes, and she should looked like the snake from the afternoon.

???-"ꃅꍟꃅꍟ ꃅꀎꎭꍏꈤꌗ ꍏꋪꍟ ꅏꍟꀤꋪꀸ, ꌃꀎ꓄ ꍏꈤꌩꅏꍏꌩ ꀤ'ꎭ ꀘꍏꁅꍟ

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???-"ꃅꍟꃅꍟ ꃅꀎꎭꍏꈤꌗ ꍏꋪꍟ ꅏꍟꀤꋪꀸ, ꌃꀎ꓄
ꍏꈤꌩꅏꍏꌩ ꀤ'ꎭ ꀘꍏꁅꍟ. ꀤ'ꎭ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꌗꈤꍏꀘꍟ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꀤꌗ ꍏꋪꂦꀎꈤꀸ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꍏꋪꎭ."

Raphna-"Kage. Nice name, but how did you transform from a snake to a human?"

Raven-"Her black mist must be the way to do all of that."

Kage-"꓄ꃅꍏ꓄'ꌗ ꍟꊼꍏꉓ꓄꒒ꌩ ꃅꂦꅏ. ꃅꍟꋪ ꍏꋪꎭ ꀤꌗ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꌃ꒒ꍏꉓꀘ ꎭꀤꌗ꓄ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꒒ꍟ꓄ꌗ ꎭꍟ ꍟꀤ꓄ꃅꍟꋪ
ꎇꀤꁅꃅ꓄ ꂦꋪ ꌃꍟ ꍏ ꁅꀎꀤꀸꍟ ꎇꂦꋪ ꃅꍟꋪ ꎇꀎ꓄ꀎꋪꍟ. ꀤꎇ ꌗꃅꍟ ꀭꀎꌗ꓄ ꀎꌗꍟꌗ ꎭꌩ ᖘꂦꅏꍟꋪ ꎇꂦꋪ ꍟᐯꀤ꒒,
꓄ꃅꍟꈤ ꌗꃅꍟ ꅏꂦꈤ'꓄ ꃅꍏᐯꍟ ꍏꈤꌩ ꂦ꓄ꃅꍟꋪ
ꉓꃅꂦꀤꉓꍟ ꌃꀎ꓄ ꓄ꂦ ꀸꀤꍟ ꎇꋪꂦꎭ ꎭꌩ ᐯꍟꈤꂦꎭ."

Raven-"Well mom, have fun with your new friend. I'm gonna go to sleep. See ya in the morning."

I closed the door, and behind the closed door were two beds, kitchen table, kitchen, and a small living room with a small book shelf. But I noticed a lot of other books and one seemed to be called Forgotten Slayers and Gods. I looked through my bag, and it wasn't one of them. I grabbed it quickly to make sure Jackal doesn't know about that he forgot about this book. But the first page said something negative about what each category is about.
I'm starting to hate how this week is starting out with me. Someone help me. 😑
Raphna's POV

Kage was being the guide for why I was able to make her.

Raphna-"I don't know! I just thought I had a white snake with red eyes would have a name like Kage. Obviously I didn't think you were able to become human."

Kage-"ꃅꍟꌩ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꀤꌗ ꀘꀤꈤꀸ ꂦꎇ ꂦꎇꎇꍟꈤꌗꀤᐯꍟ! ꀤ'ꎭ ꀤꈤꃅꀎꎭꍏꈤ ꍏꈤꀸ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꍏ ꁅꂦꀸ! ꌃꀎ꓄ ꈤꂦ꓄ ꍏ ꁅꂦꂦꀸ ꂦꈤꍟ ꀤꈤ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꎇꀎ꓄ꀎꋪꍟ!"

Raphna-"Wait. You can see my future."

Kage-"ꅏꍟ꒒꒒ ꌩꍟꍏ. ꀤ'ꎭ ᖘꍏꋪ꓄ ꂦꎇ ꌩꂦꀎ ꍏꈤꀸ ꀤ
ꌗꍟꍟ ꍟᐯꍟꋪꌩ꓄ꃅꀤꈤꁅ. ꌗꂦ ꀸꂦꈤ'꓄ ᖘꀎ꒒꒒ ꍏ ꎇꍏꌗ꓄ ꂦꈤꍟ ꂦꈤ ꎭꍟ."

Raphna-"Well shit. I thought you are gonna do that. I'm smart enough to even trick a talking exceed, but a snake with venom and is part of me. I will keep a look out."

Kage went back to being on my arm, and I went inside. Raven was asleep while she was holding onto the bag. I fell asleep afterwards.
I hated how in the morning a guy comes in, scoring me to the point of freezing his feet.

Jackal-"Sorry. Forgot your a dragon slayer.  But I brought breakfast to you guys."

Raphna-"It's fine. But you are warned by the both of us."

Jackal-"What was the warning?"

Raven-"There is a god and dragon slayer in this room, who have powerful magic sourcing through our veins. Think about it."

Kage-"ꂦꃅ ᖘ꒒ꍟꍏꌗꍟ, ꌩꂦꀎ ꓄ꅏꂦ ꍏꋪꍟ ꁅꂦꀤꈤꁅ ꓄ꂦ ꀘꀤ꒒꒒ ꃅꀤꎭ? ꅏꍏꀤ꓄ ꍏ ꎭꀤꈤꀎ꓄ꍟ, ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꁅꀤꋪ꒒
ꀸꀤꀸꈤ'꓄ ꀸꀤꍟ ꂦꎇꎇ ꂦꎇ ꉓꂦ꒒ꂦꈤ ꉓꍏꈤꉓꍟꋪ ꍏꈤꀸ
ꌃꋪꂦꈤꉓꃅꀤ꓄ꀤꌗ, ꃅꍟ ꀘꀤ꒒꒒ꍟꀸ ꃅꍟꋪ. ꃅꍟ'ꌗ
ᖘ꒒ꍏꈤꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꂦꈤ ꎇꂦꂦꀸ ᖘꂦꀤꌗꂦꈤꀤꈤꁅ."

We both looked at Jackal, and his face turned to grimace. He started going on at Kage, then mom told her too kill him. Kage did exactly that and he started to make a snake out of sand.

Raven-"What kind of magic do you really have?"

Jackal-"I can give and take away magic from others. But I can make something as well."

Kage-"꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꌗꂦꈤ ꂦꎇ ꍏ ꌃꀤ꓄ꉓꃅ. ꋪꍏᖘꃅꈤꍏ, ꀤ
ꉓꍏꈤ'꓄ ꀸꍟꎇꍟꍏ꓄ ꓄ꃅꀤꌗ ꁅꀎꌩ. ꃅꍟ ꅏꀤ꒒꒒ ꁅꍟ꓄ ꋪꀤꀸ ꂦꎇ ꎭꍟ."

Raphna-"That's when strategies come into play. Kage get back on my arm, then we will be one together."

Raven-"Now that's a plan. I'll freeze the guy's hands and feet then you two go and kill him."
Skip battle-but getting a picture.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Once we did that, the guy was dead and we started too leave for home

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Once we did that, the guy was dead and we started too leave for home. Mom and Kage were tired from all the energy used, and of course they slept throughout the ride.

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