Continue Annie Adams and the Mystery Club Detectives

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     "So after you three...." he looked at Beth, Katie and Trisha,...."came back with the drinks, then what? And Oh," he said, before the girls could respond, "were you girls alone in the common room?  Annie answered his second question first.

     "We were alone until we were ready to leave.  And then two older girls came in."  "Did you know them?" the sheriff asked.  Beth and Trisha looked at each other, and Katie said, "They were rude."  There was a scowl on her face as she said it.

     Sheriff Cooper chuckled.  "What are their names?" he asked.  "Daphne Ramsey and Patti Bridgeport."  Annie stated.  After seeing the less than happy looks on the girls' faces, he said,  "I'm just curious, and you don't have to tell me, but how were they rude?"  "They made fun of Annie's accent."  Beth said indignantly.

     Annie just shrugged, and gave the sheriff a sheepish look.  "Well, I think yours' and Katie's accents are lovely."  the sheriff said, still making notes.  "Thank you."  Annie and Katie said in unison.  "Now, what time did you all leave the common room?"  The girls glanced at each other and all shrugged at the same time.

     "I guess we didn't notice."  Annie said.  "That's okay."  the sheriff assured them.  "Where did you go after the common room?"  "We went right to the office."  Katie said.  Sheriff Cooper made a face.  "Why?"  "We wanted to see Ruthie, and since the office was right there...."  Beth trailed off.  "You thought you would check there first."  the sheriff finished for her.

     "Yes."  Beth agreed.  "And was she there?" he asked.  "Yes."  Trisha answered.  "In fact, she and Miss Leighton were discussing something when we came in."  Katie put in.  "Of course we found out a few minutes later what it was all about?"  Beth said.   

     "Yeah." Annie agreed.  "In fact, Miss Leighton made the P.A. announcement just as we all were walking down the hallway."  she added.

     "Well, thank you all for your co-operation."  Sheriff Cooper said with a grin.  "You're welcome."  All fours girls chimed.  "Oh, one more thing.  It's part of the investigation to search all the residents' rooms."  he said nodding at Annie and her friends.  "We understand."  Annie said, looking to her friends, who smiled and nodded in agreement.

     Sheriff Cooper suddenly had a big grin on his face.  "I just can't get used to it.  It's like looking at Sara and her friends again."  He smiled and nodded at them again and walked away.

     It was now eleven o'clock by Trisha's watch.  "We may as well head to the cafeteria.  It's almost lunch time."  she said.  So they did, and took their usual table.  "What a morning!"  Katie said on a sigh.  Sheriff Cooper's a nice guy, isn't he?"  Beth said, cupping her face in her hands.  "He is."  Trisha said.  "I just hope he finds the person or persons who did this."  she added, biting her bottom lip.

     Annie was very quiet, just staring at her album she had laid on the table.  She flipped to the back cover and softly stroked the envelope that lay against the last page.  The other girls watched her curiously as the cafeteria begin to fill with their fellow students.  Ruthie appeared coming through the cafeteria doors pushing her cart laden with lunch trays full of food. 

     Annie leaned forward toward her friends.  "Maybe Sheriff Cooper could use some help."  she whispered, and then grinning at Beth, Katie and Trisha.  Her friends grinned back at her and nodded in agreement.


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