Continue Annie Adams and the Mystery Club Detectives

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     At dinner that evening, Annie, Beth, Katie and Trisha talked about the physical education class taking place the next day; and the language classes that took place only on Wednesdays.  The four girls were all in the same gym class, the last class of the day.  Trisha and Katie were taking German, and Annie and Beth, French.  A miss Eva Dupree taught both classes.  The girls had no study hall on gym class day.

     The thunderstorm that Sheriff Cooper thought was coming, had arrived.  It was 6:30 p.m. left the cafeteria.  Outside it was so dark, as if it were midnight.  The wind whistled shrilly through the trees, and the thunder boomed while the lightening lit up the black sky every few minutes.  "Well, no outside activities for us."  Beth said with a frown.

     "What do you all want to do?"  Beth asked.  But before anyone could answer, she said, "Why don't we go exploring," she suggested, casting an eye out the window at the violent storm.  "Explore what?"  Trisha asked raising a brow.  "Well, we haven't begun to see all of this place.  "There well maybe some interesting cubby holes to check out."  Annie said excitedly.  "Let's go!"  Beth agreed.  "We might as well."  Katie said, in halfhearted way.

     The girls were standing in their hallway just down from Annie and Beth's dorm, and Annie looked up and down and all around, then asked,  "Is there anywhere in this school where we're not allowed to go?"  "Well, I'd say the senior territory on the fourth floor is probably not a good idea."  Trisha said, while her friends laughed.

     "Well, I need to drop my bag in our room first,"  Annie said.  "Why are you still carrying that around?"  Beth asked smirking at her.  "I just forgot to drop it off before dinner."  Annie said casually, but slyly taking her cell out of the bag, and sneaking it into her pocket.  "Sure.  It had nothing to do with Collin calling."  Beth said, snickering.

     Annie rolled her eyes at her friend and quickly dropped her bag on her bed, shut the door a little harder than she meant too, and ignored her friends twitters as they all set off aimlessly down the hallway toward the back staircase.

     The hall was relatively empty except for a couple of girls going in the opposite direction.  Annie and her friends reached the end and Trisha, Katie and Beth were down two or three steps when they noticed that Annie was with them.  Annie was standing in front of a door that she had never noticed before.  She stood there just staring at it.

     Her three friends came up the few steps and stood around her.  "What do you suppose this is?"  Annie asked.  "It's probably just a linen closet,"  Beth said, opening the door.  Sure enough, sheets and blankets set on shelves within it.  "Yep.  Sure is."  Katie said in a bored voice.  Annie made a face and reached out to close it, but her shirt sleeve caught the edge of a pillow case and it fell to the floor.

     Trisha bent down to pick it up at the same time Annie did and they bumped heads.  "Oh!"  Trisha groaned.  "Ouch!"  Annie said, swaying and grabbing at the shelf to hold on so she didn't fall.  She felt quite dizzy.  But when her hand just brushed the shelf, the girls heard a spooking groaning sound.

     Next to the linen closet was what appeared to be an ordinary window.  But when Annie touched the shelf, it had opened to reveal an upward staircase.  "Whoa!"  Annie whispered.  "What the...."  Beth's voice trailed off.  "How did you do that?"  Katie asked, her eyes huge.  "I just touched the shelf."  Annie said, still in a whisper, checking carefully.

     Annie ran her hand in front of it, under the small pile of sheets, and then around the side edge....and suddenly her hand covered a round raised something.  She had an immediate hunch, and pushed down on it.  There was a groan, only not as loud as the first time, and the door impersonating a window snapped shut.  Then she pushed it again, and it opened at her touch.  She was having too much fun.

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