Continue Annie Adams and the Mystery Club Detectives

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                                                                                       Chapter 18

                                                                     Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

     The news cameras were on the scene in Waterbury along with local reporters, as soon as the story broke about the juvenile abductors and their toy guns.  Collin and his buddies had arrived home just ahead of the attacking media.  One reporter had managed to get a statement from Tall man.  "I knew we were finished...." said the 16 year old, "when somebody yelled that we were only kids...." he sneered as he said it, "with fake guns and for the cops to hold their fire.  And that's all I've got to say," he ended with a scowl on his face.

     Annie, Beth, her parents and a house full of people sat watching CNN and drinking cups of cocoa and coffee, jubilant at the news of Daphne's rescue.  Annie sneaked away with Beth, Jeanie and Kenny to the stairwell.  "Guys.  I just know that Collin, Zack, Jamie and Charlie were there."  Annie said in a sure voice.  "Sweetie.  You're exhausted.  You're not...."  Beth began.  "Believe me Beth, I know."  Beth, Jeanie and Kenny glanced warily at each other.

     "I know you think I'm nuts, but...."  Ring, ring.  Annie grabbed her cell from her back pocket.  "Collin.  My friends here think I'm crazy!  You have to tell me the truth.  Were you guys at the court house in Waterbury tonight?"  "Well, first of all, I will always tell you the truth Annie."  Collin assured her.  Annie smiled.

     "And you know we were."  He said.  "Let's just say, I was pretty sure.  Which of you guys hollered for the police not to shoot those goofballs?"  "That would be Charlie."  Collin answered with a grin, which Annie couldn't see, but of course could hear in his voice.  "Hi Annie!"  she could hear Charlie yell in the background.  "Tell him and the other boys Beth and I said "Hey!"

     "Beth is with you?"  How...."  "Her parents brought her up from Henderson Kentucky where they're spending the holidays with Beth's grandma."  "That's nice."  Collin said simply.  "Okay, enough niceties,  are you guys crazy!  How could you do such a fool thing!"  Annie shouted at him.  Beth put a finger to her mouth.  "Not so loud.  You'll have the whole room over here."  Beth warned her.

     Annie nodded, then continued her berating, only in a low key voice. " You could've been hurt."  Annie said passionately.  "As you've no doubt heard, the guns were fakes. We were in no danger."  Collin stated smugly.  "But y'all didn't know that going in, did you?"  Annie countered.  "You're right."  Collin admitted.  "But when a friend's in trouble right in your own back yard, as it were...."  Collin trailed off.

     "I'm torn between wanting to strangle all of you, and being so proud of y'all I could cry,"  Annie said starting to tear up again.  "Hey Kid, relax.  It's over.  No harm no foul.  Daphne will probably call you as soon as she can escape the photographers and reporters.  In fact, she's on now and you're missing it, all because you're yelling at me." Collin ended laughing.

     "Uncle Bud's recording it."  Annie said with a smug grin.  "Hey Annie.  Mom and Dad are home, and I have some confessing to do."  Annie laughed this time.  "Well, good luck with that."  "It's so nice to have your support."  Collin said with a smile in his voice.  "I'll call you later, if I live."  Annie giggled.  "I miss you Annie.  You are never far from my thoughts."  "Now you see, that's why I can never stay mad at you."  Annie told him.  "That's a good thing.  Talk to you later."   "See ya Collin.  I miss you too."  And they rang off.  Kenny again, had a dissatisfied look on his freckled face.

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