Continue Annie Adams and the Mystery Club Detectives

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     As it turned out, Annie, Beth, Trisha, Daphne, Patti, Ruthie and Miss Leighton were the only persons in the school at the present time.   Ruthie, in her position as cook, set the table for seven for dinner;  she being the seventh.  Normally Ruthie didn't eat with staff and students.  She was usually too busy cooking and cleaning up after.

     She accommodated several lunch times at the school.  But tonight was an exception.  Ruthie was preparing a simply meal which made for a quick clean up.   The fare for the evening was six inch sub sandwiches, chicken noodle soup and apple tarts for dessert.

     The table had the appearance of the feuding Hatfields and McCoys.  Annie, Beth and Trisha sat at one end of a long table;  Daphne and Patti at the other.  When Miss Leighton arrived and saw the seating arrangements, she took her seat in the middle, obviously not wanting to take sides, realizing the two groups didn't crave each other's company.

     Ruthie appeared with her cart and trays, and stifled a chuckle when she saw the odd positioning of the girls.  But, after everyone was served,  She took a seat next to Annie.  Miss Leighton had to suppress a giggle herself.  She cleared her throat and announced she was going to say grace.

     Annie, Beth, and Trisha all complimented Ruthie on the meal.  Daphne and Pattie said nothing.  "It is very good Ruthie," Miss Leighton agreed.  Dinner was a quiet affair, except for Miss Leighton asking the girls how their day had gone.  She received positive responses from Annie and her friends.  But just a muttered "Fine"  from Daphne and Patti.

     Annie and Beth were lying in their beds that night comfortable, snuggling under their covers, when Annie said, "Do you think that Daphne and Patti's kind travel in packs,  cause if they do, supper time around here is going to be a very silent affair."  Beth burst out laughing.

                                                                                End of Chapter 3

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