•Part 13•

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December 31st 1963

They walked closely down the street to where the electricity of that evening lead them. Amelia and Wills arms were linked as they made their way to the annual London Post New Years party. She was dressed in a smart deep red dress with a cardigan over the top and small heels. He was dressed in a casual dinner suit and brown suede shoes. Amelia desperately wanted them to be blue so she could sing "Blue Suede shoes" by Elvis.

The last few weeks had been great in terms of their relationship and her work. But every now and then Paul would decided to pop into her brain and start playing tricks on her. She refused to give in and began to get more frustrated with herself. It made her question their relationship but she always went back to Will. He had met her family and she had met his in return and all got on like a house on fire.

They entered the fun and started to talk with friends and other members of staff. It was nearly midnight and they had been there nearly two hours when a track from the newly released album With the Beatles by the Beatles played and everyone stood up to dance. Amelia couldn't help herself. She had to write a review on it, listen to it over 20 times and she loved every track. It was so hard for her to not think about her night with Paul which only seemed a day ago. She rose to her feet to join Rachel as they twisted and turned to the contagious rhythm. The song was "Hold Me Tight" and she loved the lyrics. It was fun and upbeat just what she enjoyed. She jumped and sang and laughed with her friends loving every moment. Little did she know, that Will sat arms crossed watching her making sure she wasn't having too much of a good time. He scowled at her and clenched his fists in fury. When the song finally ended she was dragged out by her boyfriend unexpectedly to the corridor with rage as the countdown to midnight commenced.


As they got further and further away from the crowd he began to be more forceful and violent.


Amelia was shocked at his attitude and she couldn't believe him and started to panic.


"Will what is wrong with you? Why are you being like this!" She said nearly yelling as she tried to yank his firm grip off her arms.


"You still love him don't you!" He said finally looking at her, his eyes were full of anger and red.


"What! Why would you say that?" She was shocked and terrified.


"I've seen the way you dance to that... that BUNCH of noise" he said looking down on her sternly as if he was her father, except hers never treated her this way.


She noticed the potent smell of alcohol on his hands and realised what was happening.


"Will, calm down. You're drunk you need to sit down!" She said warning him holding her hands to his chest.


His blood began to boil and his veins pumped with frustration causing him to sweat and breath heavily.


And like a flash he slapped her on her cheek instantly shooting pain into her face. She looked back at him in grief holding her sore cheek. His expression changed dramatically as if realised what he'd done to her.

Happy New Year!

"Amelia! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that"
He said trying to touch her hand but she batted him away.

"It's the alcohol I promise. I'll never drink again, I've had a bit more than usual" he said ashamed and wide eyed.

"When did this start" she said keeping her eyes firmly on the ground in fury and checking her hand for blood but there was none thank goodness.

"I don't know. Probably around a month ago" he said and a tear rolled down his cheek as he leant on the wall behind him.

"Will. What's happened?" She said stroking his arm giving in to his innocent look.

"It's my mum" he said sniffing "she's not well" he said and they looked at each other with sadness and a lose tear fell from her bloodshot eye.

"She has cancer" he said and he let out a sob. Amelia didn't know what to do, he had never acted like this. He was tough and brave but the alcohol had turned him into a hysterical mess. She reassured and held him tight for a moment until he had calmed down.

"Can we go home?" He said as She gently fiddled with his hair.

"Of course" Amelia replied relieved and they left quietly back to his apartment.

She tucked him into bed, kissing him goodnight and telling him to get some rest, and she made her way to his living room. She sat and took of her painful heels and stood at the window over looking the brightly lit city. She could still here all buzzing from people's parties even though it was past midnight. She had missed out on a big celebration that had started to new year and she was in the corridor because her boyfriend had dragged her out of the fun. Amelia desperately wanted to call her parents but they would be in bed by now and so were her siblings. She stood from the edge of the sofa and took off her dress and put on a spare set of pyjamas Will had kept out for her incase she needed to stay over for a night. She tucked herself quietly into bed making sure not to wake him and laid there awake taking in all that had just happened.

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