Chapter Three

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This is short but it is the end of the seriousness....for awhile


Chapter Three

Dustin is looking at me with a hard expression on his face. I know as soon as the Doctors leave the room I will be hit with a million questions. I know to, that I must answer them. Just like before I have to tell him he has earned that.

"What happened?" The doctor asks.

"I fell down the stairs earlier holding a cup of coffee fresh out of the pot earlier then I went to Dustin's turned wrong and collapsed." I say looking him in the eye. I have mastered the art of lying. At least to everyone except Dustin.

"I see, are you sure that's what happened because some of these injuries don't look like they could have been caused by simply falling down the stairs." the doctor says trying to catch me in a lie.

"Yep, what can I say I'm rather clumsy." Most important thing to remember about telling a successful lie is never and I mean never change your story. That was the very first thing I learned in elementary school sitting in the guidance office. That and don't look nervous.

"I see." the doctor makes a few notes on his chart and tells me not to get up then finally leaves.

"He'll never buy it." Dustin says as soon as the door is closed. I just shrug my shoulders and lay back against my pillows. "Why don't you just tell them the truth." I laugh one humorless laugh and close my eyes. "Why don't you tell me the truth." he mutters.

"You never asked" I look at him and see he is looking down at his hands. I want to grab his face and make him look at me. He isn't supposed to look so weak. He is the strong one between the two of us. I am the weak broken one.

"You don't have to tell me I get it its hard to ta-" I cut him off and start talking.

"My mom died 6 months ago I was supposed to talk about her at her funeral but I messed that up. My dad wasn't happy he hit me choked me and pushed me down the stairs, hard wooden stairs. I was unconscious for three days. I woke up and I could barley move. I layed there for another day before I could crawl back up the stairs and to my room. I locked the door and stayed in there for days cleaning all my wounds gaining strength. Then I had to pretend to be all right. When I slacked my dad went back to his usual ways." I explain in a monotone trying not to feel anything. I open my eyes, which I hadnt realized I closed and look at Dustin. Both his hands are clenched into fist. His elbows are resting on his knees and he is holding his head in between his fist. Its obvious he is mad.

I wait a few seconds but he doesn't move "D-Dustin" I stutter. Tears run down my cheeks now and I'm not sure why. Could he be mad at me. Dustin looks up at me slowly his eyes full of anger but as soon as his eyes meet my they soften somewhat. He gets out of his chair and sits on the side of my bed. I close my eyes and look the other way no longer allowing myself to cry. I feel his hand on my cheek and I open my eyes.

"I'm sorry Lindsey, I'm so sorry." He says he drops his hand from my face and pulls me into a hug. I put my arms around him. After what seems like seconds but was probably minutes Dustin breaks the hug but instead of just letting me go he grabs my shoulders and waits until I meet his eyes.

"You are not ever going back to that house. Do you understand? Me and my mom will get your stuff, you are not setting foot in there." Its clear I was an object of disscusion between him and his mom. I'm not so sure I like that idea much, not the no going back idea but the being talked about idea. Its not like I don't get enough of that at school. I nod my head and he sighs in relief he was ready for an argument if it came to that.

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