Chapter Four

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Chapter four people! :) hope you like it i tried to make it as light hearted as possible. Well ill let you read. enjoy ;)

Chapter Four

My alarm clock rings. I roll over and hit snooze. School today. Its Friday and I can just now go to back to school. A feeling of dread washes over me. Why can't school be all week long. Then I remember where I am. I'm safe.

I dress quickly in jeans and a white t-shirt with a tigers head on it. The tiger is made to look hand painted and there are mulitiple colors in between each black line. I slid my feet into my checkered converses and head to the bathroom.

I plug in the my flat iron when somebody knocks on the bedroom door. "Hurry up we have to leave in like five minutes!" Dustin yells. I forgot he lived farther from the school then me. I sigh and unplug the flat iron again. I wet my hands and run them through my hair. I check the mirror and decide my hair looks wild. Of course. At least its not frizzy. My hair never gets frizzy.

I turn off the bathroom lights, grab my bag off the bed and rush out the bedroom door. Dustin is standing there jiggling his keys. He looks cute in a Dustin-ish kind of way. He's wearing white tennis-shoes, designer jeans and his football practice shirt. His brown hair is as usual messy and in his eyes. He smiles when he sees my hair I think he wants to laugh.

I follow him to the truck and get in. Its easier this time even though I am still sore.

"So we have to work after school." Dustin says. I don't mind working. Ward's is a nice place and Dustin and I always find something to keep us entertained.

"K." I say.

The first four periods of the day pass slowly. I go to my classes and gather my homework. First period English second period study hall third period math fourth period German. Just great even more homework then I expected.

Then comes lunch. I get in line buy lunch then head for the corner table I always sit at. That is until someone grabs my arm and pulls me the opposite direction. I know its Dustin. No one else would even talk to me let alone grab my arm.

I stop and pull my arm from him. "What are you doing." I question after he turns to look at me. The thing is Dustin and I hardly talk at school. He smiles and nods in the halls and such but that's about it. This what he's doing now is completely new. Unexpected to say the least. Lets just say Dustin is 'popular' and I am a 'social outcast'.

"Your sitting at my table. Okay?" I say nothing and glare at him. I've always wanted to sit with the airheads drama queens. My freaking dream come true. "Good that's what I thought." he walks off towards his table and doesn't look back. So sure of himself as always. Of course I follow. He's my friend what am I supposed to do tell him id rather sit by myself than with him. It would be a complete lie. I take the empty sit between him and a girl who's name I think is Sydney. She has a pretty face. She has light brown hair cut short, brown eyes, and to top it of she's skinny.

"I thought so." Dustin says mockingly. I just smile and roll my eyes. I look away from Dustin and see everyone sitting at the round table is looking at me. I blush and look down.

"Is that Lindsey?" I hear some girl whisper.

"Yeah, don't you think she looks so much prettier when she smiles." Sydney answers. I only know its her because I have like four classes with her and I recognize her voice. I'm shocked she seems sweet and I'm sure doesn't even realize I hear her. I pick up my jello and spoon and start nibbling at it self-consciously.

"Hey Lindsey?" Sydney says I look over at her. "Is your hair like that naturally because normally you have it straight."

"Yeah." I say quietly.

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