Chapter Eight

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It took forever i know but i had to completly rewrite it. Im sooo sorry.....anyways enjoy.

Chapter Eight

Beep, Beep, Beep. It goes on and on, steady, never ending. Its not pleasant but its not awful either. Its just there. Whatever it is its been there for awhile. Its familiar. I open my eyes blinking a couple of times to clear the sleeping haze.

In the corner slumped in the chair is a guy. He looks dead. Who could he be. Who could I be. Where am I? What happened? I don't much like this feeling of not knowing.

I sit up only to fall back on the bed gasping in pain. The guy in the corner sits up and rubs his eyes. I guess he wasn't dead after all. He catches my eyes and jumps up. "Lindsey, your awake!" He comes to my side.

Lindsey? Is that me? It is a pretty name. But who is the guy. Wow I really have to quit thinking of him as the guy he is somebody. Maybe I should ask his name. Yeah that sounds good.

"So I'm Lindsey? You are?" I ask biting my bottom lip.

"Shit, they said this was possible. I'm Dylan your friend." He mutters

"Dylan that sounds familiar. Kind of. No not at all." I frown. I have no clue who this guy is. He's cute and all but its kind of awkward.

"I'll be back Lindsey I'm just going to, go, um, get the, doctor." He mumbles backing away. Finally he turns and nearly jogs to the door. Why can't I remember. I want to. Maybe its because I'm tired. I'll just sleep it off. Sleep, sleep sounds good....

I feel a pressure in my hand. "Lindsey, I'm so sorry." Dustin mumbles. His voice seems so far away. Like he is speaking at the far end of a tunnel. "I didn't mean to. This is all my fault I'm sorry Lindsey, I'm so sorry." He's crying, I can tell. It makes me want to cry and tell him not to blame himself. I cant stand it. Dustin is like my brother. I don't want him to hurt because I am hurt.

I try to open my eyes but fail miserably. I cant even make them flutter. I feel every part of my body though I cant move. Its like I'm trapped inside my own head. Will I get out. Can I get out. I just want to reassure him. I'm okay I know I am. I have to be. I've been through worst. Why do I have to feel so helpless. I'm many things. Quiet, shy, small, but I am not helpless I never have been and I never will be again.

"I love you Lindsey. Please, be okay. Please Lindsey. I'm sorry." I focus all my energy in returning the pressure in my hand. I have to let him know that I am okay. I have to. Finally after what seems like forever my fingers curl around his. I squeeze tight never wanting to let go. I hear him sniffle then I suddenly feel a soft pressure on my head. He kissed my forehead. Only Dustin. "I knew you could hear me. I'm so sorry I did this to you Lindsey." with that line darkness comes over me and I'm lost to the conscious world.

I open my eyes and all I see is white. White ceiling white walls white blankets. Everything is so clean, pristine I wonder if I am dead. I don't feel dead though. Death is peaceful. I on the other hand ache all over. I must be in a hospital. That would explain the uncomfortable bed and stiff pillow. It would also explain the white. It makes sense really, I was in a car crash and everything.

I look around for any sign of life. Have I been alone the whole time. Was I just imagining hearing people by my side? No they were here. In the corner on the chair is a backpack. Like the one Justice always carries. Sitting on the window sill is baseball cap. Most likely Dylan's because Dustin doesn't wear hats. On the tray beside my bed is Cherry Dr. Pepper, Justice's favorite drink, and multiple snack wrappers. A clear sign of life.

Suddenly I hear quiet laughter and soft conversation. It grows closer and closer until my door is opening. Then all noise stops. I was staring at the ceiling counting tiles, 32, so I roll my head to the side and look at them. Dustin Dylan and Justice are all openly staring at me. Dustin breaks it first and nearly runs to my side. He pulls me into a big hug. I don't even try to hug back he pinned my arms. I laugh. "Dusty you can let go now I'm not going anywhere. And for the record," I whisper before he pulls away. "It wasn't your fault." He stands back and half smiles. He still blames himself. Suddenly Justice is in my arms. "Oh my god I didn't think you were ever going to wake up. I missed you like crazy. You were all like mumbling one day when I was here but you didn't answer me and you didn't wake up. It was weird. Then..." Justice babbles.

"Justice." Dylan says. Cutting her off.


"Shut up." He says smiling. We all laugh and Justice rolls her eyes and releases me. Dylan steps up and hugs me briefly but tightly. "Wasn't the same without you there." he mumbles. I roll my eyes and ask a question I have been dieing to know.

"How long have I been out for?" They all look at each other but its Justice who tells me it was ten days today. Now I really look at them. Dustin has a faint bruise on his face hardly noticeable and that is the only sign of what happened that any of them have.

"How is Aleigha?" I ask the second thing on my mind.

"She's in a coma. The doctor said its from shock. Her mom blames me Linds. And she blames you for making Aleigha sit in the front seat." Dustin says running his hands through his hair.

"Its not your fault Dustin." I reassure him. Stupid lady.

"yeah Dustin, it was the idiot who hit us fault." Justice backs me up.

"So how long have you guys been here?" I ask changing the subject.

"A couple hours, but someone has been with you since you got here. My mom was here one day and so was Justice's mom." Dustin says. My mouth drops open in shock. That was unbelievable nice of them.

"thank you guys."

"Well we couldn't leave you here alone." Justice smiles.

"Okay I'm going to go to the nurses station and let them know your awake," Dustin says turning to leave. No one says anything until the door is closed.

"Your dad was here." Justice mumbles sitting on the edge of the bed. "Me Dylan were here with you and Mrs. Ward was in another room with Dustin, she kept coming in to check on you though. I was coloring Dylan was getting us food and Mrs. Ward was with Dustin when he just walked in. I didn't notice until Dylan walked in and whisper asked who was at the bed with you. The nerve of that guy. I told Dylan to go get Mrs. Ward and he did. While he was gone I played dumb. I Pretended I didn't know him and asked stupid questions. Then Mrs. Ward came in told him to leave. He refused so security escorted him out. As he was going he yelled 'everyone's going to know your secret. Everyone'." I become completely still and said nothing as Justice went on. "We all thought you were knocked out but tears started streaming down your face. You said no and then you said Dusty over and over again. The doctors let him come into your room in a wheel chair and he kicked us all out. I don't know what he said but you were calm after that. No one told Dustin that you Dad was here. His mom said not to." I'm still speechless. I cant move. Paralyzed by the thought of him coming for me, or telling.

"I..." I struggle. "Can I just be alone, Please." I beg in a whisper. They will never understand. No one will.

After what seemed like merely seconds but was probably at least an hour someone knocked on the door. They didn't wait for an answer, because they probably would have been waiting all night, but they came right in. It was Dustin.

"Linds?" He ask coming right up to the bed. I wipe the tears away with the one hand I can move.

"Yeah." I say my voice think with tears. He says nothing more. Instead he climbs onto the bed and pulls me into his strong arms. I never realized before that moment, that Dustin was my true savior. The only person there who knew everything, well almost everything. As I cried into his chest I told him what no one else told him. After that I told him what only one other person in the world knew about me. If I could count on anyone to help me. It was Dustin.

that was really short wasnt it... all well

hope you liked it :) next one will be longer promise.

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