Lost Witch

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“Where are we going?!” I said frantically. “Tell me!” I screamed. Everything was dark, I was obviously blind-folded but I had my other senses. I could feel something brushing against my arms and legs and my feet were wet. I was obviously in some sort of forest or woods. I could hear the rain pouring and hitting leaves on the trees and heavy breathing from behind and in front of me. Two I could handle, more; I wasn’t too sure. I tried to feel around me but my hands had been bound. I twisted my wrist to see what was holding them and it felt like rope. I wasn’t sure I could get out of this and even if I did where was I going to go? Run? They might catch me. Hid? They’d find me. Suddenly, there was a break of a twig and a large thump. I felt someone’s grip on me go and I heard someone say.

“Kevin, Are you Okay? Kevin!” It was a female voice but it sounded almost manly; not the sweet and sincere type. I took my chance. I slipped the rope whilst they were talking and ran for it. It must have been a few seconds before they had processed my escape. I ran, barefoot, through the forest, looking for any sign of life. Twigs caught my skin and pierced them until crimson blood oozed out. I didn’t care. All I cared about was finding a road or a house. After a few minutes I didn’t hear anyone behind me so I sat behind a tree and panted. Then, I heard an engine. I belted forwards and found myself in the middle of a road; bright head-lights before me.

“Arrgghh!” I screamed and my last thought was that I was about to die when I felt someone yank my back by my waist. I didn’t resist and fell on the soaked grass. So did they. I thought that the person who had saved my life was my kidnapper but as I looked over to their face in the moonlight, I saw that the voices I heard wouldn’t fit this person. He sat up.

“Close call there, eh?” He said, smiling. No, he wasn’t my kidnapper. Even in the moonlight I saw his eyes sparkle with curiosity and I could tell they were a deep blue. He was about my age, maybe a bit older. His hair was fair and light brown, flopping over his face. I didn’t reply. I wasn’t able too because the scene faded and the strange boy faded with it.

“Charlotte!” I heard in the back of my mind. Then it got louder “Charlotte! You’re going to be late for school!” I sat upright in bed and rubbed my head.

“I’m Up, Mum!” I shouted and got out of bed. I pressed play on my iPod and went to my Wardrobe as a James Morrison song came on. I picked my blue Chino’s and heart jumper and put on my blue converse. I picked up my school bag and flung it carelessly round my shoulder and headed for the door with a piece of heavily buttered toast in my hand. I walked from the front door to my car and threw my bag into the back seat. I drove carefully, as usual, to Ryan Mount High School and parked on one of the furthest car spaces from the school. I got out and grabbed my bag, yet again throwing it over one shoulder. I heard a screech, then a thud against me. Someone was knocking me out the way and another car was heading for mine. It all happened so quickly. A red fiesta had crashed into the side of my car. Right where I was stood. Someone had knocked me out of the way and I looked back to see who and to thank them.

“Thank Y-’’ I started and then my heart skipped a beat. It was Him. The guy who’d knocked me out of the way of the car in my dream. Déjà Vu.

“No Need. Are you okay?” He said smiling. He was exactly the same, only this time in daylight. His eyes were a lighter blue than I had seen in my dream but his hair was the same, light brown and floppy although it looked neat and styled. I just stared.

“Yes” was all I could reply.

“This is a good way to meet new people. Hi, I’m Justin Wilson.”  I stared a while longer and then said

“Charlotte Harrison” I finally said sitting up and meeting his fascinated gaze

“Nice to meet you, Charlotte” he said with a smile on his face and his hand out-stretched. I took it and suddenly a spark ran through me like an electrical current. It was out of this world and I’m sure he felt it too because he shuddered and then said

Lost WitchWhere stories live. Discover now