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After I had spent some time in my chambers a knock came to the door,

“Come In” I said. Oliver walked in, shut the door and stood there as if waiting to be called over.

“Oliver” I said with a smile,

“Charlotte” He returned the smile. “I have been summoned to start your lessons. I have the pleasure of teaching you how to become a witch and a princess. I have 6 weeks before the council make a decision on the running of the island and of the night creatures and by then you need to learn everything you can.”

“Ok” was all I could say. From behind his back he pulled a clipboard and a pen.

“Firstly” he said “You need suitable clothes” He went to my closet and after a few seconds emerged with one of the ball gowns. It was baby blue with layers of material. The top layer was lacey and covered in small diamantes. On the top was a sort of corset which worried me a little.

“And what better time to get you suited than the welcome ball that is being thrown tonight in your arrival.”

“For me?” I asked

“Yes.” I was scared but flattered. I was nervous and excited at the same time but I went along with it. Emily came in to do my hair and my make-up and I had to admit that I looked half decent. I got into my dress and Oliver zipped it me up.

“Let’s see how your look” He said from outside the closet after Emily had finished the final touches. I walked out.

“Beautiful” He said with a shocked expression on his face.

“You don’t scrub up bad yourself” Whilst I’d been getting made over he had changed into a black and white suit with a black bow-tie. He shrugged and opened the door, whispered something to the guard outside and then held out his arm. As I walked along the corridors I could hear the chatter from downstairs and could tell that there were a lot of people here.

“Remember, you have to make an entrance so descend the staircase gracefully, one step at a time” He advised. I did as he asked and at the end Justin was waiting for me. I took his arm and left Oliver on the staircase. Justin led me down some more stairs and we were suddenly at the top of a sort of balcony. We went to the side where there were a sort of gate and walked down the dozen stairs. Everyone was staring and then they all raised their glasses.

“To the arrival of Princess Charlotte and Lord Justin” they all said in unison. Then they got back on talking and minding their own business.

“You look wonderful” Justin said

“Agreed” Anna said, coming up behind us “And just in time for the first dance.” I was nervous now.

“Excuse me everyone” She said banging a spoon against her Champaign glass “It’s time for the dance” Then they cleared away and left Justin and I in the middle of the floor. He held out his hand and I took it. Suddenly the music started and we were prancing around the room. Everyone was clapping and smiling. I didn’t know what I was doing so I just followed Justin. Then three couples joined in. We switched partners a few times and then near the end of the song I found myself with a middle-aged man. He had black hair and intense gold eyes. Vampire. We was dancing and swirling and then; thump. I fell over my dress and landed on the floor. He just walked away, but by this time the music had stopped and everyone was staring at me. They all looked very disappointed and I didn’t know what to do. So I ran. I ran out of a side door that I saw was wide open so I headed for it. I ran through the door, down the steps and just kept going. I found a fountain and sat on the edge of it, sobbing. I can’t do this, I thought.

“Yes you can” came a voice and I looked up to see Oliver. He came and sat beside me. “You have it in your blood, you just don’t know how to yet, you’ll grasp it.”

“I fell. I embarrassed myself and everyone. Justin looked so embarrassed.”

“Who cares what others think. You can do it” He got up and held out his hand and I took it. Suddenly we were swirling and turning around the fountain. We were fox-trotting and Salsa dancing and all sorts. Then we were doing Ballroom Dancing. He held me around my waist and I had my hand rested gently on his shoulder, my other hand in his. He pulled me close and we did the opposite of each other’s steps around the fountain. He leaned me backwards and held my weight with his arm while his other hand was still in mine. I leaned towards him and he kissed me gently on my lips. It was sweet and romantic.

“I’m Sorry, Your Highness” He said, pulling away.

“I told you Oliver, Call me Charlotte”

“Excuse me Miss but I can’t do that” And with that, he walked off. I was left sat on the side of the fountain, more confused than ever. I walked round the front and walked in. The door was already open so I didn’t attract too much attention. I found my chamber and went inside. I ignored the grandness of the room and got into my bed. It was warm and cozy and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light bulb.  

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