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“Long ago there was a time when mortals and the night creatures were friends. There were half-werewolves and half-witches and all sorts but then a couple of hundred years ago there was a man named Isaac who managed to convince a tribe called the ‘Marles’ which means River Tribe that the vampires in that area were evil. Back then the vampires were only feeding on animal blood but then they started to feed on human blood, to show the Marles Tribe that they were to be feared if anyone was to try to kill them. After a few years the vampires got tired of being the only species to be hunted so they told the tribe about mermaids and witches and the rest in a deal that they wasn’t to be hunted’

“But what has this got to do with us?” Asked Justin

“I’m getting there dear. Isaac being Isaac agreed to this deal and a vampire clan showed the tribe where a circle of witches lived and the tribe killed them. They also killed the clan of vampires who showed them the hiding spot. King Christof heard of the killings and didn’t like what was happening so he founded an island, Isle Garent, and put a spell on it. The spell is that when a human sails near it makes them turn in the opposite direction and forget where they are meant to be going.” Anna saw our faces in the mirror. “Don’t worry, they remember after a few minutes but something tells them to go a different way. But anyway, over the years humans have killed more and more of the night creatures so the King made a law that all night creatures were to stay on Island Garent. However, Charlotte, Your father got off the island somehow and married your mother. Your mother didn’t know he was a witch until a man from the Witch Council came to your house and took him back to the island. He said he went to get away because he knew he was next in line to the throne but he was still made to be to king. He was found a few days ago, dead in his chambers with a note besides him saying to find you and to tell you about the Night Creatures so that you never live a lie and he said that you would know what needs to be done. Nobody knew he had a daughter so it’s all big news, you’re like, how you say in the mortal world, a celebrity.”

“So what does this have to do with me?” Justin said

“Well your parents were Duke and Duchess and worked alongside the royal family. They were very important people and since their death there has been no-one to take over their position. We have been searching for you for 14 years, Justin. And now we’ve found you.” She smiled.

“You look just like your father, you know. But you have your mothers eyes”

“You knew my parents?”

“Oh yes, And Sir Carl. They were all lovely people. They were good friends of mine.”

“So what about my mother?” I asked “Is she a witch?” 

“Oh no, Like I said, She only found out about witches when one came to take away your father. But everything was explained to her. I’m Sorry, You never knew about this before but your father wasn’t here and your mother was sworn to secrecy.”  I felt a little better that my mother hadn’t betrayed me but why didn’t my father send me a letter or anything?

“Because he thought you would hate him” Anna answered the question in my thought

“How did you know I was going to ask that?”

“Between witches there is a connection. This means we can read each others thought. I forgot to mention this. Depending on how strong the witches’ powers are the stronger the thoughts. See, if a powerful Witch tries to read someone’s thoughts, they can read them further away and get deeper into that persons mind. If they are a weak witch, they can only get thoughts that are on the surface and they have to be close up. For example, Justin still has his parents and brothers power so he will be a strong witch. He will be able to read somebody’s mind from a while away and get deep into their mind.”

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