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We both laughed for a while at Emily’s reaction and then we did our serious faces as the people came in to bring all our stuff in. I didn’t realize how much I’d brought until it took about 10 men to get it all. We’d decided that the cozy room next to the bathroom would be a nursery. After all the stuff was in and all the people had gawped at me, Oliver and I rearranged a crib in the corner and so extra things around. The sofa was pushed against the wall, then there was enough space for the rest to be put in. We was walking back to my room in which we sat on the sofa in front of the fire.

“Ow” I said, putting my hand on my stomach

“You ok?” Oliver was suddenly on high alert

“Probably just kicking” I said, unsure. It did it again, but this time; harder. I screamed in pain and Miss. Sylvia, Emily and Kay ran in.

“Are you okay Miss?” I screamed again.

“I don’t think she is” Kay said

“Really?” I said, agitated

“Oliver, Leave”

“No, I want to be here”

“Oliver, please just go”

“I want to stay” he said firmly

“If I says piss off, then piss off!” I screamed. The girls laughed but Oliver just walked off

“I’ll be back in a bit” And he scurried out. All three girls scuttled around me, handing each other things and saying medical terms which I didn’t understand. Then Emily came and brought me a drink and said for me to drink it all in one go. I did as she said and then asked what it did. Within two minutes I found out it knocked you out cold. The last thing I remember was Anna barging in and screaming.

“You stupid girl! Stupid, Idiotic, Spoilt Brat!”

“Shut it and get out you fat bitch!! All your doing is critisizing me just because I'm in love with someone who isn't royal! See that Anna?” I pointed towards a empty glass on the table that i'd had earlier "It's my glass of Give a Fuck; oh look, it's empty!"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" She shouted at me

"Last time I checked, I was the one in charge here! Now GET THE FUCK OUT YOU SHITBAG!" I screamed back and all three girls burst out laughing and I passed out.

It must have been a while before I awoke. I was in my bed and at first I didn’t remember what had happened. Then I remembered. I got up, holding onto things as I went along, and found my way to the nursery. Oliver was there cooing over a cot. I went and sat by him and he blocked the cot.

“I didn’t expect you awake for a bit love” he was being sweet but I knew he was hiding something.

“I’m awake and I want to see my baby” I held out my hands but he didn’t pass me the baby

“Erm… There’s one slight thing.”

“What now Oliver?”

“Look” I looked inside the cot and saw three smiling babies.

“I’m sure there’s three” I said confused “Or did I die? Am I seeing things? I’m losing my mind now. Oh god.” He chuckled.

“No you’re not. What we just didn’t count on was having triplets.”




“You okay?”


“It’s a lot to take in, I know. They came outside and said ‘Congrats you have Triplets!’ ” I smiled and looked over the cot again. They were all still grinning wildly at me. I picked one up and Oliver picked two up which he held both in his arms.

“Are they all boys?” They were all dressed in blue baby grows.

“No, This little fellow is” He said touching the baby in his left arms nose. “And she other two are girls” He looked lovingly at the two in his arms.

“What about names?”

“I have an idea for the little lad here”

“Go on”


“I Like it.” I smiled at Joseph “But why that?”

“Don’t you know the date?”


“25th December”

“Oh, I see”

“What about the girls?”

“What do you like?”

“I like… Katie. Yes. Katie is a lovely name”

“It’s beautiful” he said “But for which one?”

“Do you want to be Katie?” I smiled at the little girl I was holding and she grabbed my finger in hers and giggled.

“How about Rose for this little one?” He asked obviously talking about the baby in his right arm.

“I like rose. Like my red dress with roses on.” I winked at him.

“Joseph, Katie and Rose. Perfect.” There was a knock at the door. It was Justin and Amelia. They walked in; hand in hand.

“So” Justin said

“So” I said

“You’re a mum”

“You’re a fiancé” I had noticed the ring when he walked in but he tried to hide it from me. Things have gone to fast I thought.

“Yes” He swiped his hair back out of his face “Can I hold one?” He asked

“Sure” I handed him Caitlin and she smiled at him.

“Have you thought of any names yet?” asked Lia.

“Yes. Justin has Katie. And Oliver has Joseph and Rose”

“I like the names” She was making the effort to be nice to me so I smiled back. They left after a few minutes and Lily, Lacy and Gracie came to see the newborns.

“Rose is a flower like me!” Said lily beaming

“She is” I said back, pleasing her. They stayed for half an hour because the triplets went to sleep so Miss. Sylvia and Kay came to collect them.

The next day, after we’d rested from a long night, we took the triplets to see Clara and Mark. Their mouths dropped right open when they saw three babies. After a few hours with them, they got used to them but it was a shock.

“What do you think?” I asked Clara as she  held two of them who were sleeping

“I think they are beautiful!” She exclaimed. She adored them and Oliver said that they filled a whole in her heart where Rebecca and Luke had been missing. She had the responsibility of three more little children who she could mother and cuddle. I was extremely glad that everything turned out well. I became Queen with King Oliver II at my side; and at my other; Princess Rose, Princess Katie and Prince Joseph. Clara and Mark moved into the palace with us so they could always have their son around and always be there for the triplets. The only person who we had to deal with was Anna. She didn’t like the new arrangements. I fired her eventually. Emily is now my personal stylist. Miss. Sylvia works full time in the nursery, looking after Rose, Katie, Joseph, Lily, Gracie and Lacy who now live at the palace with Grandma Delilah and Uncle Harry. Kay had a promotion and is still a maid but on better wages than what Anna gave them all. And they all live at the palace. Not as grand room as I get but something close. Turned out all I needed in life was Oliver and my Children and everything worked itself out.


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