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He was quiet. We sat there in silence.

“I’m sorry… What?” He said extremely quietly, in almost a whisper.

“I fell and then I got up and I felt something kick my stomach. Then I went to my closet and I had- have a little bump already!” I lifted my top up to reveal my stomach and he gasped.

“How’s this possible?”

“Do you need an explanation?”

“You know what I mean” He said it softly and I did but I wasn’t in the mood for being co-operative. “Right, we have to go to see my parents. Now.”


“I told you. My parents are Vampire and Witch. I’m half-breed. They’ll know what to do. Grab some essentials and I’ll meet you outside. I’ll make an excuse.”

He was outside like he said he would. Luckily, no-one was along the corridors when I was coming out of my chambers. I feared that if they was, I would get questioned because of my duffel bag, the fact I was in a skirt and not a dress and because I was going away for god knows how long.

“All sorted” Oliver said with a grin. It was nice to see a smile, I felt comforted. We didn’t take the limo because Justin and Amelia had it but we had a Jag which wasn’t half bad. Oliver drove it and I was in the passenger seat

“How far away is your parent’s house”

“Not far now.” A few minutes later we were outside a semi-detached house. It was a nice shade of very light brown and had vines climbing up one side and along the bottom. The front garden was neatly mowed and had a freshly flowered border around the outside of the lawn.

We both got out of the car and Oliver knocked on the front door. After a few seconds there was shuffling from inside and a man answered the door. He looked in his late 30’s with cropped blonde hair and a clean shaven beard. His eyes were intense turquoise.

“Oliver.” He gasped “You look… Wonderful. How have you been?”

“Who is it? Mark! Who is it?” From behind his appeared a woman. She was stunning. Her hair was to her shoulders but a lovely shade of chestnut brown. Her skin was pale but shown off by a crimson dress. The dress looked silk and clung to her, showing her slim figure. Her Mouth opened wide and she put her hands to cover it.

“Oliver. Oh, come in dears.” She eyed me but in a friendly way. “Come. Sit.” She demanded

“Mum, Dad” Oliver said as if trying to find the right words “It’s nice to see you both” He hugged them both at the same time.

“It’s so great to have you here son. We’ve been so worried about you. It’s been two years, Oliver.”

“I know, but I’m here now.” He was still hugging them tight and then he let go.

“So are you going to introduce us, son?” His father said.

“Mum, Dad. This is Charlotte.”

“Charlotte. This is my Mum and Dad.” I stood up and shook their hands

“Clara” His mother said

“It’s lovely to finally meet you”

“Call me Mark” His father said, shaking my hand. I smiled and sat back down.

“So what brings you here after so long, not that were not happy to see you because we are so happy you’re here but there must be a reason”

“There is, and to be honest, we didn’t know who else to go to?”

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