34. Staying In

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My eyes slowly opened from the bright rays of sun letting me know it was morning time. I sat up pulling the covers to my chest since I was naked. A smile slowly crept onto my face at the thought of last night. Ant sure did prove his point last night.

I looked around the room and saw no sign of him. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. A nice hot shower will really help right now. Since I had no clothes to take off I just turned the shower on. While I waited for it to get hot I brushed my teeth then tied my hair up and cleansed my face.

Afterwards I stepped into the hot shower and took a deep breath. The water feels amazing. I stood there for a good five minutes under the shower head before washing off. When I got out of the shower I put my fluffy white robe on and some slippers before going downstairs.


When I got no answer I looked in the front room then the kitchen.

"Where is this man?"

Not even a minute later I heard the front door open then laughter. I went into the front room and saw him, Shaun and Remi coming in with their bags.

"Wassup sis. You just waking up?"

I nodded. "About 20 minutes ago."

"Damn girl! Why were you asleep so long? It's two o'clock."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? Really?"

"Justine why is your bra on the side of the stair case?"

I quickly turned to see her holding my bra in her hand.

"Um. It must've fell when I was doing laundry last time I was here." I took it from her and smiled. "Oops."

She squinted her eyes at me. "Oh."

"I'll be right back."

I went up the stairs taking them two at a time. Going into my room I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. If she would've looked at me a second longer she would have been on to something. I walked into my closet and looked for something to wear.

"Dat was close."

I jumped at August's voice and sighed. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

He chuckled. "My bad."

"But yeah that was. We gotta be more careful."

"Dat was yo bra."

"And you took it off of me."

He nodded. "You got dat one."

I took off my robe and slid on my panties then my bra.

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?"

"Cause you was sleepin' so peacefully and I ain't wanna wake you."

I smiled. "Hm. I did sleep good though."

He smirked then licked his lips. "I bet you did. You fell asleep on top of me."

I laughed. "I remember. I couldn't move."

"Ya. I hope yo ass stop fuckin playin' wit me na'."

"We'll see. Baby steps."

He chuckled. "Baby steps my ass. You liked dat shit. You might start actin' up on purpose just to get the dick. I ain't even much know you was freaky deaky."

I laughed so hard tears were coming out of my eyes.

"I'm serious."

"You know me so well."

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