48. The Set Up

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"Finally! I'm sick of this small ass room. And this dumb ass closet, and this little ass bathroom." Remi said basically pointing out everything.

I raised my eyebrows at her while I taping one of the many boxes in her room, closed. I was helping her pack her things up that could fit in her car.

She already helped me with mine yesterday and it was nothing but some clothes and toiletries so it didn't take longer than a couple hours but she had way more stuff than me. We'll have to come back for the rest some day next week.

This summer we'll be staying at my house before she goes to see her family in the last few weeks of break.

August was going to drive out with us to make sure we made it safely before going to his moms house about an hour from where I stay.

"You know we'll be back after break right?" I asked.

Rolling her eyes she got up from the floor. "Yes. I know hopefully in a better room though. I've seen bigger ones than these on the other side of campus."

"That's because it's more expensive." I added stacking the box on top of two other ones.

After placing another box by the door, she turned to look at me. "We're getting it. We deserve it."

I nodded in agreement. "You're right. We do, we're gonna be seniors! I'm so excited."

"Girl I'm excited to walk across the stage." She took a deep breath looking around her room. "Remind me to never bring this much shit again."

Glancing around I looked up at her. "Half of this you bought while we were here."

"Shut up hoe." Rolling her eyes she continued moving the boxes.

I laughed as I finally taped up the last one. "Done. Thank god."

"Finally. I'm a shopaholic, I admit it."

As I stood up I dusted my bottom off and grabbed the box to bring it by the rest of them. "Now all we have to do is get it downstairs in your car."

We both groaned looking down at the many boxes. It was at least three or four trips.

Raising my eyebrows again I shook my head slightly. "You better hope we can fit all this crap in your car or you'll have to wait until next week."

Nudging my arm she held her finger up. "First of all it's not crap and second it has to. We'll make it. Now I have an idea and it involves two very fine mens."

"Mens isn-

"Just call August. Don't tell him we need help moving this stuff or he'll never come. I'll call Shaun."

Nodding I went to my room to retrieve my phone.

She was right about not saying anything about the boxes because it was hard to get him to help me yesterday. He can be so lazy sometimes, a big kid but I love him anyway.


"They're here bitch." Remi said from the bathroom before disappearing.

Laughing slightly at her I went to open the door. Smiling once I saw Anthony I moved so he could come in.

After closing the door he smiled and gave me a kiss. "I'll never get tired of seeing you girl." 

"You're too sweet to me." I gave him another kiss before grabbing his hand leading him towards the bathroom.

"Why we goin this way?"

Turning to face him I gave him a big eye squinting smile. "Babe I need your help."

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