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A/N: Original idea came from the Game Grumps Imagines blog on Tumblr! (Lmao I can't believe I'm running out of ideas... PLEASE REQUEST SOMETHING IN THE COMMENTS! I promise I will write it and will even include your name in it if you want!)

"Ugh, I'm sorry guys. I know that my work ethic has been slacking lately, but you all know that I'm not like that. There's just been a lot going on in my personal life and such."

They all looked at me with big smiles on their faces. They told me they understood and that it was completely okay for me to take a short break if I wanted.

"Are you sure? You know how much I love work and getting things done..."

"Yeah of course! This is up to you, (Y/N). Go home if you want, everything will be okay, we promise!" Suzy assured me.

I look around the room at everyone else who seemed to be nodding their heads in agreement. As much as I didn't want to go home, I thought about it and decided that it was probably the best thing for me to do. After all, I'd only be missing one day of work. I'd be back to my normal self in no time!


I said bye to everyone who said they'd be texting me regularly to check up on me at home. I left the office and drove to my apartment. I decided not to do anything work related even at home, because I knew that I would try and find someway to be productive even at home. I changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie, I'll agree, not my best look, but I wanted to be as comfortable as possible. Plus, I knew that no one was coming over today, so it didn't matter anyways.

I grabbed a candy bar from the kitchen and sat down comfortably on my couch. I wanted the rest of this day to be a total relax day for me, and I didn't have a lot of those normally.

I flipped through some channels before I decided to just say fuck it and turned on Netflix. I turned on one of my favorite Netflix shows, Orange is the New Black, that I desperately needed to catch up on. Piper and Alex's relationship was really starting to confuse me, but I needed to know what was gonna happen!


Several episodes later, I was starting to become kind of antsy. I looked at the clock and saw that a couple of hours had gone by without me doing anything that I would call productive. I had to remind myself that it was my "day off," and I needed to focus on me today.

I checked my phone and saw that I got a text from Danny. I must've been too busy watching the show that I didn't even realize my phone going off.

Hey (Y/N), just wanted to check up on you and make sure you're okay. I'm not at the office right now either since Arin and I have already finished filming everything for today. If you wanna talk about anything, I'm available.

I found it very sweet of him to want to check up on me like that, he was such a good friend to me. Sometimes I told myself that I didn't even deserve to have him in my life.

Oh I'm feeling better now, I guess I just needed some time away from work and everything, and yeah you could totally come over since I'm free too. You don't even have to ask, Danny, you're a great friend. I'll be waiting!

I wasn't sure if I should've added that last part or not, but I meant it in a funny sort of way. I was actually glad that he said he wanted to just hang out and talk it out with me. I knew that this would do me some good, so I eagerly awaited his arrival.

Okay, I'm glad you're feeling better. I'll be there in a bit! <3

My heart fluttered when I saw the little heart emoji he put at the end of his message. I'm sure he meant it in a friendly way and it was nothing. After all, we'd been good friends for a while now, so there was no way.


Soon enough, I heard a knock at the door and ran to answer it. I didn't even bother changing out of my hoodie and sweatpants, since I knew Danny wouldn't judge me looking like this. I opened the door and was delighted to see his face again, even though I had seen it earlier today when I was actually at the office, but that felt like forever ago.

"Danny! You have no idea how glad I am to see you!" I gave him a huge hug, I practically jumped into his arms.

"(Y/N), I'm glad to see you too! You look wonderful."

I looked down at my clothes and laughed at his comment, which I had no idea if he was being serious or not, but I didn't care as long as he was here. I let him inside and he sat on the couch beside me.

"So what's been bothering you?" He asked me right away.

"Whoa, you just came inside and we're already right to business."

"Well, yeah it's why I'm here. Now tell your old pal Dan what's wrong."

"Well where do I even begin? I just feel so overwhelmed with everything right now. I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on myself to get everything done at a certain time and I'm not even enjoying life like I should be. I see you and Arin and everyone else just chilling out and having fun from time to time, but then you know when to get back to work. I don't know, maybe it's just because you guys have really fun jobs. And then don't even get me started on other people's opinions of me cause that's all I've been thinking about lately as well. Oh boy, I just feel like I'm rambling now..."

"No, you're fine." Danny assured me.

I sighed. "What would I do without you, Danny? I'm glad I have someone who can just listen to me be a complete mess, which I always am, I'm just really good at playing it off."

He smiled. "Of course, I'm always gonna be here, don't be afraid to say anything to me. Do you have anything else you wanna say? Or did you want advice?"

"I guess both actually. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like everything's good and it's been good for a while so maybe things are starting to look up, and then something bad happens."

"Well that's just life. I mean, shit happens and you gotta deal with it." 

"I guess you're right... Maybe I just need to learn to relax, but I don't know what to do. I'm constantly thinking about work and getting things done so that I would normally have less to do, but it just keeps piling up and-" 

Danny leaned over and gently grabbed my face and pulled me closer towards him and cut me off with a kiss. it was unexpected, but I liked it. 

"What was th-that for?" I asked, blushing. 

"You're cute when you ramble, but I needed you to relax. Did that help you out?" 

"Yeah, surprisingly it did, a lot. Were you trying to tell me something?" 


Dan Avidan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now