Scary Stories

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A/N: Hey guys this is just a stupid imagine that I wrote for the purpose of being funny and whatnot. Warning: I did include a couple of scary stories, so if you're not into that, just skip past them. They're the really long paragraphs. Even though they aren't too bad, I just wanted to put that out there. (Credit to YouTube for the first scary story). Other than that, enjoy!

"Now everyone, you may be wondering why I just happened to invite you all over on a stormy night. Well that's a good first thought, but I was thinking we could all tell scary stories." Suzy said eagerly as we all sat around just on our phones.

"Wait, can I go take a shit real quick? It'll bother the hell out of me when we start."

She sighed, but smiled. "Yes, Arin. You may go to the bathroom."

He ran off while clutching the back and his sweatpants. I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Do you have popcorn?" Ross asked.

"Yes.... we do, Ross. It's in the pantry."

"Okay I'll be right back." He scurried off to the kitchen.

While we waited for them to get back, the lights seemingly started to flicker, and then went dark.

"AHHH!" We could hear Arin scream from the bathroom.

"Thank fucking god I finished the popcorn in time." Ross said, stepping out of the kitchen with a large bowl in his hands.

"Of course you did. Nothing bad ever happens to you, Ross." Danny teased from the couch.

I looked and saw a figure approaching in the distance. Arin came back, with his phone's flashlight on in his hand.

"You know what? That was actually not my worst shitting experience."

"Glad you made it out alive." I told him.

"Guys this is perfect!" Suzy said, lighting candles all throughout the room. "This is just the atmosphere we needed to make this extra creepy. Now everyone get in a circle on the floor."

I watched them all scramble to get in a circle on the carpet. I waited until they were all settled to join them and squeezed in between Danny and Arin.

"Now, is everyone comfortable? I don't want any interruptions whatsoever during this. Who knows how long the power will be out?!"

"I've taken care of everything," Arin said.

"Me too," Ross said, slowly eating another piece of popcorn.

We were all ready it seemed, which made Suzy very happy. I could tell she couldn't wait to get started to try and scare the shit out of us, which frankly wasn't that hard to do.

"Okay, so we're each gonna tell a scary story, and I'm gonna go first, since this was my idea and I'm pretty sure I can beat all of you." Suzy said confidently. I didn't doubt her for a second after seeing the creepy decorations she had displayed all throughout her and Arin's house.

"Oh we don't doubt that, Suzy." Barry said, eagerly waiting for her to begin.

"Bring it on," Brian said, crossing his arms.

"Alright then. So as you may or may not know, the dark web, or the deeper parts of the internet can only be accessed through a web browser called TOR. This parts of the internet are more hidden for a reason. On the dark web you can find anything from illegal drugs, to fake IDs, and even child porn. Perhaps one of the worst and most disturbing pages is called the Human Experiment. It's not easy to come across, but once you do, you'll wish you'd never clicked. The homepage describes its content. In a red bloody font is written 'the experiments conducted for this website are to prove that not all humans are born equal. That people chosen to be experimented on were usually homeless and also the unfortunate souls that were too late.' The experiments themselves ranged from starvation, water restriction, reactions to extreme pain and torture, infections and diseases, and even infant tolerances to x-rays, pain, and heat. Now some innocent soul browsing the dark web had made the mistake of clicking on the experiment photos, thinking they wouldn't be anything too bad, but that was a big mistake. You get the urge to vomit, unable to even begin to describe the horrors you've seen. Innocent people going through unspeakable things, all there for you to see. He scrolled the site, and found a section dedicated to infants and toddlers. Before he could dive in deeper, a text box appeared at the bottom of the screen. The text said 'did you enjoy the site?' He saw it was a chat box and typed "who is this?" The stranger replied, avoiding the question saying "what was your favorite part of the site?" He asked him the same question again, and this time got a reply saying he was the site owner. He told him that it was sick and inhumaine and that he would report the site immediately as anyone with sense would do. He didn't realize that that would be his biggest mistake. After a short pause the stranger replied "I see your name is Michael and you live in Massachusetts." He clearly was right but instead of clicking out of the browser he typed "you're wrong." A few seconds later, he typed his entire address, complete and correct. His final words "have a nice day." Michael closed the browser and slammed his laptop shut. He called the cops and had trouble explaining to them what had happened since TOR doesn't save your browser history. He was told to find another place to stay, and he was about to move anyways, so his parents had no trouble selling the house and moving away. All because of one message. Be careful while browsing on the internet."

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