Hold Me

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A/N: I felt like this was a cute idea, but idk let me know what you guys think. I hope it turned out okay. As always I hope you enjoy! Feel free to request anything, I'm always up for new ideas! PS THIS TURNED OUT DIFFERENT THAN I EXPECTED BUT OH WELL. Also let me know what you think in the comments! 

As soon as I got home I haphazardly threw my things down and ran to give Danny the biggest hug ever.

"What wrong, (Y/N)?"

"I just had the worst day ever, and you know I'm not exaggerating when I say that, cause I can deal with a lot of bullshit." As hard as I tried to fight it, a few tears streamed down my face and onto Danny's shirt. "Sorry..." I mumbled.

"It's okay, babe." He continued to hold me in his warm embrace.

"Can you just hold me forever?" I looked up at him.

"I'd love to. It seems like you really need it today. Come on, let's go to our room."

"Can you carry me there?" I wanted to do everything I could just to be close to him. He was the only one who could instantly make me feel better.

"Alright." He swooped me off of my feet and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Let's go, princess."

He carried me to our room and gently placed me on our bed. In that moment he really did make me feel like a princess. He laid down next to me and put his arms around me. 

"Tell me what's wrong," he whispered in my ear. It sent chills down my spine. 

"It's petty stuff, you won't care." 

"Of course I will, babe. You know that. Anything that bothers you will be sure to bother me too." 

"I don't know..." 

"(Y/N)... Do I have to tickle you?"

"No, please don't! Just remember that I warned you." 

"I'm ready for anything." 

"Well I'm sure you can already guess that it happened at work today. I'll be leaving names out cause I know that you know everyone that I work with which wouldn't help them. Anyways, basically today I had to find out from someone else, someone trustworthy might I add, that some bitch that also works with us was talking shit about me on social media. First of all, I thought she was chill with me cause I've literally done nothing to her. I'm always nice to her and help her out when she needs it, and then she just goes and does this. She said awful things, Danny. They weren't even true, but she has a ton of followers who probably believed it!" I started to cry again. I wasn't good at listening to other people's opinions of me, especially if they were bad ones. It's not that I didn't think people disliked me, I just didn't want them to tell me personally that they dislike me. Nor did I want to find out. 

"You shouldn't let people like that get to you, (Y/N). I mean, can you even imagine how many haters I have? Especially since I put myself out there on the internet and all. How do you think I deal with it?" 

"I don't know.... It's just that I had a little bit of respect for her, like I thought that we were starting to get along well and everything. I can't believe it... I kept on thinking about it for the rest of the day. It really started to make me question if I'm a good person or not." 

"(Y/N)... why would you even ask a question like that? You know damn well that you're a great person. I could literally list out everything I love about you." 

"Then do it." I said, knowing very well that he was in fact going to do it. I needed to hear it though, just to know that someone loves me. 

"Okay. Well where do I even begin..." He began to whisper in my ear. "First of all, I love your eyes, and your smile. That's why I hate to see you so sad, I miss seeing your beautiful smile and the way your eyes light up when something makes you happy. Don't even get me STARTED on your body. Like seriously, damn girl. I have to try my hardest not to always have the urge to take your clothes off, and that's fucking difficult for me. Oh, but where was I? Your hair and how beautiful it is. I'm glad you never really cut it, cause we can both have super messy and long hair. I haven't even gotten to your personality yet." 

"I don't know what to say, Danny." 

"You don't have to say anything cause I'm not finished yet." 

"Wanna know what one of my absolute favorite things you do is?" 

"What? I hope it's not something super embarrassing." 

"You know when you think I'm not looking and you're just dancing to some song? Usually one of my songs?" 

"Oh no... I didn't know you watched that!" 

"Of course I do. It's the cutest thing ever. Especially when you're cooking or baking something and you grab a spoon and pretend it's a microphone." 

I tried to hide my smile, but start to laugh anyways. 

"Okay, well what about when you're walking around the house in your boxers? You don't think I can see everything?" 

"Hey, keep in mind that that's for your eyes only, ma'am."

"I didn't say I didn't enjoy it.." 

"Well this isn't about me, is it?" 

"Then what else do you like about me?" 

"I like when you think you're being sneaky and come up behind me to try and scare me." 

"Hey, sometimes I'm going to give you a hug, you never know." 

"Either way, it's adorable." 

"I'm not adorable!" 

"Sorry, that's what I call anyone shorter than me." 

"I also like it when you steal my food, like I'm never gonna notice." 

"Look, I get bored when you're not home, I have to do something." 

"Go on..." 

"Stop it..." I blushed. "So you really do love all those things about me?" 

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I? I mean I'm holding you like this for a reason aren't I?" He lightly kissed me on the neck. 

"I like it when you hold me, it makes me feel safe." 

"Then I'll always hold you." 

"I would very much like that." 

"Are you still upset?" 

"I'm gonna be honest with you, Danny. I don't even remember what I was upset about in the first place." 

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