⠀⠀⠀it's all about fear. . .

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❝Am I really a coward inside?❞

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❝Am I really a coward inside?❞


December 1926

They've been inside the case for Merlin knows how long. But, not one of them cared, for they were so entranced by the creatures that walked around the whole vicinity that they call 'a case'. Newt, Jacob and the Goldstein Sisters occupied the other portion of the place, while the British-well, half to be Exact-Witch and Wizard went off at the opposite way.

Keith was looking at his friend in a weird way, while all that he picked up from her muttering was the phrase, 'Where is it?'.

"You know, you could always say what we're looking for." He suggested, 'casually' pretending to help her in looking for this-mysterious creature-by basically looking under a large leaf and turning over some plant pots. "Otherwise, both of us, meaning mostly me, are looking like idiots-what are you doing?"

His eyes trailed to the girl's visage, who's head was inside a hole on the ground. "Found it!" She shouted, her voice echoing through the other hole that was rugged out, just a few inches away from where her head was stuck.

The brunette immediately took her upper portion away from the gap and stuck her arms, to which she was surprised on how they seemed to have fit on the small circle, and grabbed the small hairball that was trying to get away from her hold. Adelaide slowly pulled her limbs back, and showed her friend what she had on her possession.

"Adelaide! You can't just grab something like that! Bad, Lupin. Bad!"

"Oh, shove off, Keith!" The former Hogwarts student's eyes never wavered from the small creature that was currently residing by her palm. Its' dark orbs stared back at hers, who's mesmerized on how this-human-in front was looking at it. The woman didn't suppress her smile, as the little Niffler began to nuzzle her hands, while clutching a Galleon in its' little hands. "I know what you're up to, bud. And it's not going to work. You have nothing to steal from me."

But, even with her statement, thinking it can't understand her or just plainly ignored the Auror's words, the small being still gave her some affections, to which she thought might be a distraction for some future purposes.

"Now, that-is not something that you see everyday." Her friend said, slowly bringing a finger to pet the creature by caressing its' short hairs. Judging by its' reaction, it seems that the Niffler enjoys the extra attention that is being given. "How did you know that he has one?"

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