Connor x reader "The Quest" (part 1)

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Hi everyone! Thanks for 70 reads!!! I'm so happy!!!! Well, this story is going to be divided into different chapters I really don't know how many. Also because it is going to be a long and special story you are going to be a daughter of Apollo so this way it will be more specific all the abilities you have and hopefully the description will be better. It takes place after Blood of Olympus.

Well, I hope you enjoy it!!!! 
Your P.O.V.

Finally, the war with Gaea was over! the last few months had been full of difficult activities, quests, attacks from Camp Jupiter, and normally a camp full of nervous campers. Yeah, you were really lucky to have two amazing friends that always make you laugh and be happy even in the darkest times. Normally you will spend those days training hard, training more, giving emotional speeches (you were good with words), working in the infirmary, trying to lift the mood with your music, training more, and planning the occasional prank.

Connor and Travis Stoll have been your friends seen you arrived at camp, back when you were 9. They had helped you overcome the dead of your mother and accept Apollo as your real father, not that ugly stepdad of yours. You had fought side to side in the war against Kronos and know again in the war against Gaea. They were your truly best friends forever and ever. Now, do you had any other friends? Well obviously, all your siblings were your friends, especially Will, Kayla, and Austin. Also, Katie Gardener was a really close friend to you, she was one of those types of friends that you trust completely, that know your complete life (secrets and all), and that you know theirs. She was a little older than you, the same way Travis was older than Connor, but you don't care.

Now returning to the subject of the end of the war. Did all the problems were really over? Well, the answer is NO. Many of the monsters that Gaea had recruited for her army were still out there, waiting for revenge. They had a small army outside Camp Half-Blood letting no one in or out, but the main force was somewhere in the world hiding and planning bad stuff, attacking demigods, and causing the occasional damage.

But returning to the present time, present moment. You were sitting outside the Apollo cabin writing a poem. Writing poetry and playing music helped you a lot with your emotions,  you can write about your problems, happy moments, sad experiences, friends, crushes... Okay, I think you get the idea, that notebook you had on your hands was full of TOP SECRET stuff. This time you were writing a poem about the beautiful, deep blue ey- Suddenly, you felt two hands cover your eyes "Guess who?" a familiar voice said. "Connor, please take your hands off my eyes," "Okey" he replied, he placed his hands away but took your notebook. "Don't you dare read that!" He just looked at you with a mischievous grin 'Oh no here it goes' you thought. He started walking away, but you took his arm to stop him "Connor, give it back!" you order him "Mmm, let me think about it. What about no?" he said and run away laughing. "CONNOR STOLL! Come back here!" you start chasing him, even though you know the son of Hermes is way faster than you. You continued like this for a while, he running and laughing, and you trying to reach him and convince him to return you your property. And just to make matters worse, he stopped realizing how far away you were and start reading your notebook! "Oh no you aren't going to read that!" you yelled at him. He started walking away, reading your notebook and smiling at the same time, but for your luck, when you finally reach him he was walking directly into a dead end. "Gotcha," you told him putting a hand on his shoulder. Just in time, the horn indicating dinner sounded. Connor returned you your notebook "Well you were lucky this time (Y/N), but next one I wouldn't take any chances," he said. "Sure" you replied sarcastically "Now let's go to the dining pavilion or we are going to be late" together you two walked toward the tables, talking during the way. When you finally reached the Apollo table Connor waved goodbye and said "Oh, and (y/n), you have some amazing poems" he winked and walked away towards his table. You blushed but smiled. Yep, your friendship with Connor was like that, full jokes, pranks, and sometimes flirting.

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