Connor x reader "The Quest" (part 2)

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Wow! 112 reads!!!!! Am I in Elysium? 'cause this is too amaZHANG to be real. Thanks a loooot! :)
So here comes the chapter!!


Your P.O.V.
You wake up some minutes before sunrise, being a child of Apollo that wasn't so difficult. You were a little bit confused at the beginning but suddenly all the memories of the last day came to your mind.
'Hades no, I forgot to pack my things!' you thought. You quickly got out of bed, took your backpack and started filling it with the first things that came to your mind. Clothes, some personal hygiene stuff like your toothbrush, some granola bars, a bottle of water, nectar and ambrosia, all the medical supplies that you found, a blanket, some extra arrows, and a dagger. Then you quickly get changed with some jeans and a camp t-shirt, you put your shoes on, and did your hair in a messy ponytail. You looked through the window and saw the beginning of a beautiful sunrise 'Just in time' you thought. You headed out of the cabin, took your backpack and weapon (which still was in ukulele form) and placed them across your back. 
Then you headed to the Hermes cabin, thinking that those brothers were probably still asleep, reasonably Katie was already at the Big House being the responsible and organized demigod she is. For your surprise, Connor was sitting outside of the cabin doing some stuff, his backpack at his side.
"Hey, Connor, what are you doing?"
he looked at you "Oh hi (Y/N), just finishing packing all my stuff."
then is when you realized that all his things were spread at his back.
"Um, need some help with that?" you asked him. "Well if you insist" He handed you the backpack. Together you start packing all the stuff.
"What are all these things? you asked him, while you packed some strange objects "Not prank supplies obviously" he said with a mischievous look on his face.
"I hope you're not planning to prank me"
"Nah, this are mostly for the two lovebirds coming with us " yeah it was no secret that Katie and Travis had something going on there, you laughed and he smiled.
"That reminds me, where is Travis?" "Probably already at the Big House with Katie, which means we need to be there by now" he said. "True" you started walking away.
"Who arrives first at the Big House, gets the first chance to prank the others! " you started running away with some meters of advantage, laughing.  "Hey, not fair!" Connor said, he quickly took his backpack and sword and started running too. He quickly reached you, which means you arrived at the Big House at the same time, running into Katie "Hey!" she said "I win!" you and Connor said at the same time "No, I win" you repeated in unison.
"Stop it you two!" Katie said "And be more careful next time"
"Sorry," you told her.
"Now let's get inside, Chiron is waiting for us," Katie said "Yes I am," a voice said from inside the house, then Chiron in wheelchair form appeared. "Come in demigods, and please (Y/N) and Connor, stop draining your energy in silly games"
"Yes sir" you and Connor answered at the same time, again, you both laugh. Then Travis arrived from inside the house "Aww look how adorable you two are" he said with a dramatic expression, then he winked at Connor 'what was that for?' you thought. Katie rolled her eyes, probably aware of something you weren't.
"Let's get inside" all of you follow Chiron and sat around a table.
"Okey, where do we start?" Travis asked, "What if we try to solve the prophecy?" Katie answered.
"Chiron, did you know what the prophecy means?" Everyone looked at him, but instead, you answered:
"Well we already know the first part 'four half-bloods kids of three different gods' That's us." Everyone nodded. "Then the next line 'to find the lost' I think that is related to the other line 'it would be divided by two', so I guess someone is going to get lost. I have no idea what 'on the land of the moon' means. 'Defeat the unknown' probably some nasty monsters we are going to fight, and the last two lines are possibly a remainder they could have a different meaning, though."
Then Chiron added "Those were the same conclusions I reached, so I guess you will be discovering the rest within the next days" everyone nodded.
"But, where do we start?" Katie asked "Yesterday, when Hermes came he didn't leave without leaving something for you" Chiron took some small bags and give one to each of you "this are some golden drachmas, I think you will need them for your quest. Also, he left this map" he opened a piece of parchment and spread it across the table. It had three blue dots, one bigger than the others. "If the rumor I heard is correct, the remaining members of Gaea's army are spread in three different spots. Each of them is building or creating something to attack us, a monster never saw before, and they are using their own life force to do it. So if you destroy this three things, you will weaken the monsters, be able to accomplish your quest, and finish the army completely." 
"So those dots on the map are the location of the monsters?" Katie asked.
"Yes, there is where you need to go" Chiron answered. You looked at the points, one was in Ney York, the other was in some forest in a state you didn't remember the name, and the third was in "Wait" you said "Is that in Mexico?" you pointed at the last and biggest dot.
"Yes (Y/N), there is where the largest army is"
Travis and Connor looked at each other, "Those that means what I think it means?" Travis asked Connor  "Yes, I think it does." Connor answered him "What? What does it mean?" you asked them, "Mexican candies!" Connor said they both laugh. You and Katie sighed and rolled your eyes.
"We are not going for candies guys," she told them.
"Concentrate," Chiron said, "Did any of you have any questions?" Travis raised his hand as if he was in school "I'm curious, but it was not supposed that only three demigods can go on a quest?"
"The prophecy said four demigods, remember?" you replied
"Oh true," Travis said, Katie rolled her eyes again.
"Is there any other surprise we must be aware of?" You asked Chiron "Well, prepare yourselves for battle, there will probably be many monsters protecting the thing you must destroy. Also, I think crossing the Mexican border is going to be difficult, not only because of the security, which you are going to need to cross without being noticed, but because there is the home of a dangerous monster you must beware"
"Great" you mumble.
"Now it's time to go demigods, Argus is going to take you to the city, try to not be noticed by the monsters outside" and in that note the four of you went to Half-Blood hill and get into the camp van, not before saying goodbye to all your friends.


Okey, so I used this chapter to describe everything about the quest, the next are going to be full of more adventures, 'fun' and probably romance ;) I will add some with you and Connor and also a little bit of Tratie for all those Tratie shippers over there.

Hope you like it! Vote, comment and invite more people to read it!!!!

- Melodie

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