Will x reader "Under the Rain"

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Just shortly before the chapter; I want to thank @isabelletcao for requesting this. I really hope you enjoy it!

I groaned in frustration, sighed, and slammed my head in the wall.
"Agh, please Will only for a few minutes" I pleaded, for the 1452635 time.
"No." he said firmly. Why does he has to be so overprotective?
"Pleaseee" I knelt beside him, who was sitting on his bed reading a medicine book, and made my best attempt of puppy eyes. 
We were alone in the Apollo cabin. 'Why alone?' You might be wandering. Well, because everyone else was outside playing in the rain, having fun. EVERYONE, except us. And all because Will...
"I don't want you to get sick," he said, placing down his book and looking at me.
"Come on! I'm not going to get sick!"
"Yes you are," he said firmly.
"Well, if you don't want to come with me, I'm going alone," I said, then I ran as fast as I could towards the door, but before I could reach the handle Will caught me, placed me in his arms bridal style, brought me to were he has reading his book, and then placed me in a position in which I could not scape and he could continue reading. I tired to scape his grip, but I couldn't, and it didn't help seeing how hard he was trying not to laugh. Finally, I gave up.
"I hate you," I told him, resting my head on his chest.
"And I love you too," he said smiling at me. For a moment I got lost in time and space, looking at his smile, but then I shook my head remembering that I was supposed to be mad.
"What are you reading?" I asked him, moving my head and instantly regretting it.
"Ahh! Will what's that? Why didn't you warned me!"
He just laughed. "It's called an organ."
"Agh, it's disgusting."
He laughed again.
After a few seconds of silence a master plan appeared in my mind. "Can we at least open the window? I want to see the rain." I said.
He sighted. "But I'm comfortable like this! And also if I go to open the window you're going to scape."
"I promise I don't scape," I said smiling my most innocent smile.
He just looked at me skeptically.
"Pleaseee" I placed my hands together, as if pleading.
He finally sighed and stood, not tacking his eyes away from me. Talking about trust...
But I didn't move. I was all part of my plan.
He returned, and I looked at him.
"You trust me now?" I asked.
"I always trust you," he replied.
I laughed, "So now that you trust me, can I go and see the rain at the window?"
"Yeah sure, but only if I go with you."
That wasn't part of the plan, but let's work with it. I took his stretch hand and walked towards the window.
We stayed a few minutes like that, just looking at the window. Then, I let go of his hand to touch the water, and somehow I "fell" outside.
"Ups," I said looking at Will's shocked face "I accidentally fell out of the window." I couldn't help but to laugh.
And I was pretty shocked when Will shook his head and laughed too. "I can't believe that stupid plan worked, now come inside before you get sick."
I looked up, feeling the rain hitting my face, soaking my hair and clothes. I loved the rain, I needed to enjoy it more.
"If you want me to get inside you'll have to come for me," I laughed and started walking away.
"No (Y/N), wait!" I heard him get out of the window, it was really close to the ground if you are wondering.
When I heard him reaching me I started running, and laughing. We were like two little kids playing tag. Finally when we were away enough from the cabin, I let him catch-up with me. His bright blond hair was all over his face, his wet curls were covering his eyes, let's just say he looked adorable. (Also his shirt was pressed against his chest, and he got some nice abs. Just saying.)
I hugged him, and then looked at his face. He wasn't mad, he never is. Actually, he was smiling.
"Having fun?" I asked, smiling too.
"A little," he said.
"A little?"
"Well, a lot, but I'm still mad at you for getting outside."
I laughed, "Yes, I can see that," I said sarcastically.
Then, I looked into his eyes, and then kissed him. (Here imagine a romantic kiss under the rain, I know, so cliche)
After I few minutes, we pulled away. I looked into his eyes and said the three magical words:
"I love you."
"And, I love you," he kissed me again, "But, we should really get inside."
I laughed as we started walking away, holding hands. "I knew you would say that."
"Well..." he kissed me forehead, "you know me so well."
I laughed again.
We ended up curled in a towel, inside the Apollo cabin.
Helloooo! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! Sorry if it was short...

For today's Percabeth song... Okey, so I was in YouTube the other day, and I found this girl who wrote a bunch of Percy Jackson songs and they are amaSING (got it? Because she sing? I'll stop this.) Well, she has a Percabeth song for when they were in Tartarus, and I can't describe you how good it is. Go and listen it! The song is called "Into the Darkness" by Gio Navas. Also check her other songs, she has one for Nico, one for Leo, and a bunch more. Guys, but the one for Nico is so sad, I loved it with all my heart, I cried. Someone in the comments wrote "Post-Riordan Depression" and I couldn't relate more. Really you have to see her videos. Her channel Is Gio Navas, just like that.


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