Connor x reader "The Quest" (part 6)

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First of all we have to get out of this dam forest. Even though Connor can't stop denying it, we were lost. Lost like a rabbit in the sea, so like, really lost. We were tired, confused, tired, more confused, and more tired. 
"Connor, we are lost." I said.
"No we're not," he said for the millionth time.
"We have been crossing the same stream like 5 times," I said pointing at the small river.
"I never get lost (Y/N), I got this." He said, again.
I just rolled my eyes.
We continued walking.
And walking.
And walking.
The stupid forest seemed to have no end.
It was getting dark, I could already feel the soft breeze of the night. Through the tree tops I could see the sky turning different and beautiful colors, and Connor continued walking stubbornly. I sight.
"Please Connor, lets rest and continue on the morning,"
"Nop, we are almost there I can feel it."
"Agh," I rolled my eyes, "its getting dark and a monster is going to come and cut us to pieces."
He placed an arm around my shoulder, and pat me slightly in the back smiling, like always.
"Don't worry (Y/N), I'm going to protect you."
I was angry, really angry, but I couldn't stay that way. I rolled my eyes. Stupid Connor with his stupid beautiful smile, and stupid dazzling eyes, and stupid amazing hair, and stupid everything for making me have the biggest crush on him. If this was anyone else, ANYONE, we would already be resting getting ready for the next day, but NOOO. Connor was beautifully stupid that way.
The starts started shinning, the night bringing with itself a cold breeze. I shuddered. Connor who was really close - tho I would have liked him closer - noticed. He placed his arm around my shoulder and murmur, "Don't worry we are almost there, I can feel it."
That was it. I placed his arm away.
"You said that like three hours ago!" I said angrily, but when he smiled my anger was gone. Saw that? Stupid beautiful smile.
"What if a monster does comes?" I asked.
"They are all gone remember? All monsters on this zone had been destroyed by me-"
"Us. Remember what happened in New York? They had their life force connected to the spooky creature."
"Okey, but what about the wolves, and bears, and monkeys!"
He frowned "Last I recall, monkeys don't live in forests, and they are harmless."
"Oh true, but still! I'm tired and cold, I know you're too. And its getting dark! DARK! You know how much I hate the dark."
He sighted, but seem kind of relived.
"Okey, lets find a clearing to spend the night."
"Finally!" I said dramatically.
We walked for a few minutes until we found a small clearing. I immediately collapsed on the floor, and sighted with relief, everything dramatically of course. He laughed cutely, because ya know, he does everything cutely.
He lay down and hugged me. Fun fact about Connor: he loves cuddling. And when I say loves, I mean LOVES.
He nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck, and yawn. Then he wrapped an arm around my back, and we both looked at the stars.
"I love the stars, they give me hope and light in the dark, and they are beautiful" I said dreamily.
"You know what else is also beautiful and gives hope and light in the dark?" He asked.
"Your smile?" I said without realizing what I had said.
"No - wait what?"
"Nothing" I said rapidly, greatfull that he couldn't see my tomato face in the dark. He laughed softly, that sweet incredibly mesmerizing laugh. He hugged me again, tightly.
"Um, Connor?" I said awkwardly, I mean, I liked him and I didn't mind the cuddle, but we were friends, and it was kinda awkward.
"What?" He said, his voice muffled by my hair.
"Mmm, shouldn't one of us take guard? I can start if you want."
"No!" He hugged me tighter, "We'll be all right." He said.
"Agh, okey. But if a bear comes and eat us it will be entirely you fault." I said firmly.
"Okey, yeah." He said already falling asleep.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Tyson with a biiiiiig hug~~~~~~~

I slept like never before, even tho we were in the ground, in the forest, lost. The security I felt in Connor's arms was unbelievable, and perfect.
The sun was already in the sky, I had skipped sunrise. Wait, how is that even possible? It was supposed to be an Apollo thing, right? Well probably I was really tired, or really confortable in Connor's arms.
Speaking of Connor, he was still asleep. I stood and walked toward a small stream, cleaned my face and drank water. It was surprisingly refreshing. When I returned, Connor had already wake up, he was searching for something a worried look on his face, and then he saw me.
"(Y/N)!" He sighted in relief "You scared me! I thought the forest monkeys had come and kidnapped you!" We both laughed, I walked towards him and sat in front of him. His hair was all messy, but in a cute way.
Our stomachs growl at the same time, and we laughed.
"Do you have something to eat?" He asked.
"Yep," I said taking my backpack and handing him a granola bar, taking one for myself.
"So... did you discovered a way to get out of this forest?" I asked him.
"I just wake up!" he complained.
"Well, did you know how to?"
"Walk" He said, but it sounded more like a question.
I rolled my eyes, "I figured."
"Don't worry (Y/N) I'm sure we are going to be out of here in less that an hour," he affirmed confidently.
And surprisingly he was right. But we end up in the middle of nothing! In what seemed to be a dessert, how is that even possible!?! The only thing that we were able to see was trees at our back, what seemed to be sand dunes at the horizon, and-
"Are those train tracks?" Connor asked.
We walked toward them.
"It seem so," I said answering his question. I start thinking... and...
"That's it! Connor, give me the map," I said exited. If this were the same train tracks I was thinking about...
After studying the map for a few minutes, looking at the train track, then at Connor's confused face, and then back at the map, I said:
"There is a train that, if I'm a correct, goes through this rails all the way towards Mexico! Making a stop in-" I looked at the map again to verify "a city called El Paso, which makes frontier with Mexico, near the place where the last hideout is!"
"Are you sure?" He asked, looking at the map.
"Well no... but I had heard stories of Mexican immigrants taking that train to get to the U.S. so if this is the same train it can probably take us to Mexico, or al least to the frontier."
"Well, I think its our only option."
"And our best option," I said exited.
"But, how are we going to get into the train?" He asked.
"That... is a good question."
I start thinking, there needs to be a way, right? I looked around searching for something that could help us, but there was nothing. I sighted.
"Well," Connor started saying, "we can jump"
"Yep that seems like the only way." I said.
"And see!" Connor said pointing to a place at the rail, "There is a curve over there, the train needs to slow down in curves, so its going to be easier."
"Good idea! Now we only need no wait."
We walked to where the curve was and sat on the floor. I placed my head on Connor's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my back.
"What if we are not able to save them?" I thought out loud.
"We are going to save them, that's not a question." I smiled at his optimism.
There was a loooong silence a really long silence, and when I say long I mean long.
Finally Connor said: "(Y/N), I need to tell you something important." I moved so that I was facing him.
"Its just that I-" He was interrupted by a sound in the distance, we both stood. Second by second it became louder and louder, until... CHU CHU!
I jumped exited. "The train!" We looked at each other and smiled.
"Okay, so when it comes to the curve we will see if any of the wagons are open, then I will jump first, so that I can help you up." Connor said.
"I can jump by myself!" I said faking being offended, "what do you think I am, a little girl?"
"You are a girl, and you are little" He said standing straight in front of my to show how taller he was.
"Uh, shut up." I said.
The train was getting closer by the second, and I was getting nervous. What if we weren't able to get in? No, lets think positive.
It all happened soooo quickly. The train's machine passed followed by a thousand wagons. In less than a second, Connor took my hand, screamed "JUMP!" and we both jumped into an open wagon which seemed to be full with carton. We landed, rolled, and end up collapsing at the opposite wall of the wagon, and we were laughing hard, super hard. So hard that I didn't notice that Connor had ended up on top of me. When we finally calmed ourselves, and realized the position we were in, we awkwardly move. And then laughed again. I don't know why we were laughing so hard. Finally I said:
"So I guess we only need to wait for when the train stops."
"I think so," Connor said pulling me closer to him in a position similar to when we were waiting for the train. I loved it when he did that.
"So..." I finally said looking at him. "What was that important thing you needed to tell me?" his face suddenly turned red, and he wasn't making eye contact. I laughed at his embarrassment.
"Don't worry whatever it is you can tell me."
"Its just that I..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I- I can't... I" he sighted, then looked directly at my eyes forcing me to do the same.
"(Y/N) its just that I...." And the he kissed me. Wait I think I didn't wrote that right. HE KISSED ME, ME. HE KISSED ME. Thousands of fireworks, no a fire, and not a normal small fire a freaking forest fire start burning inside me. I was so shocked, so amazed, suddenly so in love, that I completely lost control of my whole body, and Connor took my reaction the wrong way, he pulled away. Luckily he didn't looked at my face when he did so, because I was grinning like and idiot. But then I realized what was happening.
He was saying: "I'm so sorry (Y/N) its just that I thought-" I didn't let him finish. I took his face in my hands.
"Don't be sorry," I said and then kissed him. Know it was his turn to be shocked, but it only took him a few seconds to start kissing back. I can't describe that filling, true love? I don't know. I was so happy, there, melting in his arms, kissing him. His lips, the same lips I had dreamed about kissing a thousand times. It was nothing compared to what I had imagined. I moved my hands to the back of his head deepening the kiss, I couldn't help but to smile, and then smile more when he did too. We were force to brake the kiss, and he placed his forehead on top of mine. We start laughing looking at each other's eyes. I couldn't help it but to fall 10 times more in love with his eyes.
"Wow," we said at the same time and laughed more.
"You have no idea how much I had wanted to do that."
And the rest of the trip was like that, two friends that had been deeply in love since the moment they had laid eyes on each other. We shared stories of each other, of the moments when we had tried to revealed our love, but failed stupidly, or when our crush had made us do stupid things. Suddenly half our life made sense. We laughed and kissed, and laughed. Until the train suddenly stopped.
"Are we here already?" I asked shocked at how fast it had seemed.
"It looks like," Connor said peaking his head out of the wagon. "We are in what seems a train station."
I nodded. "Lets go, it must be here."
We jumped out of the train, and faced a building that red 'El Paso's train station' and hundreds of other trains waiting to be used.
"See!" I said pointing to a building at the distance. Many cars were in a line waiting to pass through. "That should be the border."
We started walking towards it, and indeed that was the Mexican border. Suddenly an important question came to me.
"Do we have passports?" I asked Connor.
"Not that I know of," he said.
"Then how are we going to get through?"
"Sneaking around?" He suggested.
"And how on Olympus do you suggest to do that? We are talking about a place that obviously has like a thousand policemen, cameras, and probably a great security." I said.
"Don't worry (Y/N)," he patted my shoulder, "you are talking with the king of mischief."
"Mmm... okey?"
He laughed at my disbelief, "Let's go."
It was surprising. In less that 5 minutes we were on the other side.
"Wait!" I said.
"What?" Connor asked confused.
"Remember that Chiron said that there was a dangerous monster at the border?"
We turned at the same time. And there at the waters of the Rio Grande, was an enormous hydra with so many heads that I wasn't able to count.
We looked at each other, then at the hydra, then back at each other. We seemed to have a silent conversation,m so we started running.
"Let's find a safe place or something to hide!" Connor told me between breaths. We were running like never before, but we stupidly returned to the frontier. And apparently policeman thing its strange to see two kids with clothes probably really dirty, running like crazy, and followed by a -I have no idea what the saw- hydra, because they stopped us.
"Disculpen niños, les podría preguntar que están haciendo?" He asked.
I looked at Connor, and whispered: "What did he said?"
"I don't know I don't speak Spanish," he whispered back. The policeman, obviously hearing us, sighed and asked again now in English:
"What are you doing and where are you parents?"
"We kinda of got lost," Connor said and then we ran in the opposite direction. Luckily the policeman didn't seemed to give us importance, because he didn't followed.
And we continued running, and running, until we were in front of an abandoned building.
"Let's search for the hideout, we can't be so far away." I told Connor.
He took out the map and started looking.
"Well... it looks to be in a street called 'Orozco Av.' but I've no idea were we are so I don't know how to arrive," he said.
"Well, let's ask someone before the hydra smells us."
We looked around and found a man sitting at the hallway at the other side of the street.
"Well.. there is someone," Connor said.
"He looks drunk." I told him.
"We don't loose anything asking him."
"Okey" I said. We walked to the other side of the street.
"Hello sir, do you think you could help us with directions?" I asked.
He turned up, looked at us with a confused look and said: "qué dijiste?"
Connor and I looked at each other.
"Dam Spanish." We said at the same time, and try our best not to laugh.
"Okey, I'll try." I said confidently, my Spanish lessons at school had to work somehow, right?
I sight and started: "Hola," ahg my accent was terrible, it didn't help to see how hard Connor was trying not to laugh, "dónde esta esto?" I said and singed at the map. The man stood and though for a moment, and then said some directions in really quick Spanish that I didn't understood. I was about to ask him to repeat again when Connor said.
"Okay, thanks." And walked away.
"How did you understood that?" I asked him impressed.
He shrugged, "I just did."
I looked at him confused, "But, how? You speak Spanish?"
"Kinda, but he was singing a lot so I understood." He said as he waved the topic away.
We walked a few minuetes, and then stoped in front of another abandoned building.
"It seem that this is it." Connor said.
I gulped, "well let's go."
We were about to get inside when he stoped me.
"Did you heard that?" He said.
"No" I respond immediately.
"Come on" he took my hand and we walked around the building, until he stopped in front of a window.
"What's there?" I asked confused.
"I think I heard something. Lets see." We walked to the window, and there they where. Travis and Katie. In a corner, tided, a little injured it seemed. We knock the window, they saw us and we could see the smile on their eyes. Their mouths were tided so if they tried to say something, we didn't knew. And we did the obvious thing. We broke the window. And an alarm sounded.
"Oh no..." I said.
"How on Olympus an abandoned building has an alarm?" Connor asked to no one in specific.
"Let's help them." I said. We walked toward our friends, and broke their ropes with our knifes.
"Ah, thanks guys," Katie said stretching her arms.
"We started thinking you weren't going to come," Travis said.
"Well, better later than never," I said.
We walked outside of the room, we killed all the monsters that got in our way until we found the room with the creature, and then... somehow... The hydra was inside the room.
"Hades..." I said. At the same time Connor said "dam..."
"You knew about this?" Travis asked.
"Long story," I said, "Katie, Connor, and I will distract it. Travis, do whatever you need to do."
And on that note, we stepped into battle. And we were loosing.
"Hurry Travis!" Connor shouted.
"I'm on it!" he shouted back.
When the battle seemed to be lost, the monster turned to dust. We sighted in relief all at the same time.
Connor took my hand, "Let's get out of here guys, I saw some candy stores on the way here." We all laughed and headed out of the house, happy that our quest was finally over.
And we all returned happily to Camp Half-Blood, well expect Connor who was really disappointed that Mexican candies were waaaaaay spicier than he thought...



Are you still here? If yes, well then hurray!!!
I have a few things to say. First of all I'm so so sooooo sorry that I hadn't updated in quite a few weeks. We went to some summer vacation, and I wasn't able to access to internet for a lot of time. The when we arrived I was reading this amazing serie called 'The Selection' by Kiera Cass. Really if you haven't read it, READ IT. I couldn't put it down! I mean... gods! I still haven't recovered from the shock. IT. IS. AMAZHANG.
Also I want to thank you for reading this. I mean, 1k reads, I'm still grinning like an idiot. My family can't stop asking me why I'm smiling so much, they think I have a boyfriend. Thanks a loooooooot! When I started writing this I thought that 10 reads was going to be the highest possible number I could achieve, but know... I'M SPEECHLESS. And know I feel so bad for not being able to update in so, so long. I'll do my best to change that.

For this chapter's Percabeth song: 'With you' by ColorFire. I think this song is Percabeth 100%, especially when it says something about shore, ocean, and love because everything related to love is related to Percabeth.

Byeeeeeeeee! Thanks for reading!
~ MS

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