o n e - Alex

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(Disclaimer: may contain some language + kissing, I do not sexualize kids)

"Honey, we're moving!"

I jumped out of bed frantically, trying to process what my mom had just said. I ran downstairs to see my mother standing with boxes all around her with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Alex, baby. I'm tired of living in Hawkins. It's getting boring. Let's start fresh. Is there anywhere in the world you'd rather be than here?"

I looked at my mom, still rubbing my eyes due to tiredness and the random decision to move.
"Hmmm, how about Derry, Maine? I have a few internet friends who live there."

" Anything for you, sugarplum!"

And with that, my mother started packing boxes into our car. I went back to my room to get packing.
My mom is such a spontaneous and happy person. She loves travelling and can never sit still. Young-spirited woman. Because we are constantly moving, it's hard for me to make friends. I do have a few friends who live in a small town named Derry, and I thought it would be cool to go see them for as long as my mom wanted to live there I guess. I grabbed my phone and texted them.
alexjohnson: good morning! Have I got some news for you!

sophialillis: ooh ooh, tell us johnson!

jaedenwesley: yeah, c'mon!

wyattoleff: ^

finnwolfhard: ^^

alexjohnson: okay, so you know how my mom loves moving around the world, well, today she told me we would be moving to Derry so we can hang out!


sophialillis: yay! I'm pumped to finally meet you!


finnwolfhard: ^ PREACH!

alexjohnson: okay guys, I have to pack. I'll tell you when we get there!

everyone: okay!

I turned of my phone and laid down sprawled across my bed with a huge grin on my face. I'm going to meet my best friends soon. I'll be living NEAR MY BEST FRIENDS SOON! I blasted some music and packed up the small amount of clothes I had in my room. Truth be told, if you move a lot, you tend to lose so many clothing items, you're only left with a few important ones.

one hour later

once I finished packing up my clothes in to boxes, I helped my mom load our stuff into some ups truck that appeared out of nowhere. My mom and I hopped in to our car after loading up, blasted the music and drove to our future permanent home.

My mom was a independent woman. She takes care of herself and me very well. My dad left us when I was 5, but that was almost 8 years ago. I'm 14 now, living with my restless and
young-at-heart mother.

We arrived in Derry around 11:00pm.
My mom and I found a hotel to crash in as we tried to figure out where we would live. We decided to use my laptop and look for some open houses that we could potentially live in.
"Ooh, honey! This one is nice! 1 story house with 1 bedroom, a bathroom, living room and kitchen! And it's near a lake!" She exclaimed extending the 'e' on lake. I smiled and nodded.
"But, it is nowhere near a school, mind a business place for you to work at!"
"You're right, let's look for a new one."
We spent a few more minutes scrolling until I heard my mother gasp. I looked at her to make sure she was alright when she said,
"A two story house, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom in each room (3 bathrooms), a luxurious living room with a kitchen connected to a dining room. In a school zone, and near possible businesses!"
I nodded with a smile and hugged my mom. It looked like we've found ourselves a home in the small town of Derry, Maine.

What's going on my dudes! This is my first fan fiction, so don't judge. I've also written this at 12:30am and I didn't proof read before I published, so feel free to point out any mistakes. Also in this fanfic, Stranger Things has happened already, and Finn wasn't in it, and the rest of the cast wasn't in it either. So pretty much it happened, but with a whole different cast. Also, It hasn't happened. ALSO THE POV IS IN THE CHAPTER TITLE SO YOU DON'T GET CONFUSED OKAY? OKAY

Love and light,

Baby • Jack GrazerWhere stories live. Discover now