f i v e - Alex

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Jack and I walked into the door of our first class together laughing about the conversation we had just a few seconds earlier. I think I'm starting to really like this guy.

We looked around the classroom, searching  for an empty desk. We plopped down in two chairs side by side.
"S-So, how are you liking the school so far?" Jack asked me.
I chuckled softly and responded.
"Yeah, I guess. It's pretty good for only being here for a little less than an hour."
Jack smiled and faced the front of the classroom. I, also, turned my head forward to see a man standing looking tired and mad.
"Good Morning, Rats. It's horrible to see you all again for another,"
he glanced at his phone in his hand, "180 days."
Everyone groaned. I swear I even heard Mr.Heaton sigh as well.

During the lesson, I almost fell asleep due to boredom. But just as I could have fallen into a dreamland, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a smiling Jack Grazer.
"What do you want, Grazer." I said, grinning.
"Nothing, I just wanted to see your beautiful face again, baby." When he said the last few words, I could feel my face burning with happiness. I turned away, smiling to myself. From that point on, I couldn't focus on the lesson (not that I was in the first place), but instead, I couldn't get my mind off him.
Lordy was he cute. But I need to act cool. He's friends with all my friends, yet I still haven't met him or seen him anywhere! Ugh why di-
"So what's the answer, Mrs.Johnson?"
I suddenly looked up from my desk and at Mr.Heaton who was now standing beside the classroom whiteboard. I was about to say that I didn't know, until I heard a voice behind me say,
"It's 73, Mr.Heaton."
"Thank you, Jack. But next time, Alex, you need to be paying attention."
I nodded and went back into my little daze. It was a thought of me, and Jack. Together. In a field of daisies, walking. We approach a blanket, all laid out nicely. We sat down and opened the basket filled with wonderful treats and desserts. Also, there was a-
The bell. I sighed and got up from my desk. I looked down at my schedule and read what was after Math. Just amazing. Mrs.Dyer's Gym Class. Let me just say this again. Gym. Class. I sigh and continue walking down a hall that I think leads to the gym. Just as I was about to enter the doors, I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes. I smiled, hoping it would be Jack.
"Guess who?" I heard an unfamiliar voice call.
"Well, if it isn't Sophia Lillis!" I said back, hoping she wouldn't notice my sudden drop in mood (because I thought it was Jack).
"Yup, Johnson! It's me. Are you in this gym class too?" She asked happily.
"Yup!" I said. "But I kinda hate gym."
"It's okay. Don't worry! Mrs.Dyer is actually really nice. On some days, we even play games instead of running and doing hard shit like that."
I laughed at the last statement, and we walked into the gym side by side.

"Hello girls! I'm Mrs.Dyer. But you guys, can call me Natalia. So to start off today's gym class, we will be running 2 miles!"
Everyone groaned, but Mrs.Dyer laughed.
"You thought I would make you guys run 2 miles on the first day? That's nonsense! Let's play hide and go seek in the dark!" She happily skipped to the light switches and turned them off one by one.
"I'll be it!" A red haired girl shouted from what sounded like the centre of the gym.
"Thanks for volunteering, Sadie. Go count to 60 in the corner!" Mrs.Dyer yelled.
"Mrs.Dyer?" I shouted.
"Natalia." She corrected
"Sorry. Natalia. Are we aloud to hide in the storage room over there?"
"Of course. Everyone! You can hide anywhere in the gym, but no leaving!"
After I heard her response, I ran to the storage room with Sophia trailing behind. We looked and looked for a solid 30 seconds before we found the perfect place. We looked at each other, our eyes now used to the dark, and nodded. We climbed to the top of the storage shelves and laid flat so our backs were touching the ceiling.
"56....57...58.....59, 60! Ready or not, here I come!" Sadie and I softly giggle so no one can hear us. I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to the door. Then, I heard someone's hand gripping the knob. (pretend you hear a door knob turning lmao)
Suddenly, the door creaks open, and in walks the red headed girl.
"Helloooooooo? Anyone in here?"
I giggled and quickly held my hand to my mouth. This caused Sophia to have a laughing fit.
"Shhhhh!" I whisper yelled (don't judge idek).
"I KNOW YOU'RE HERE GUYS" she said excitedly. She turned on the light switch and looked around.
"Come out come out where ever you are!"
This pushed Sophia over the edge. Literally. She laughed so hard that she fell off the edge of the shelf, and on top of the energetic red haired girl.
Sophia got up off of the girl.
"Are you alright, Sadie?!"

Idek how to end this, so I'm just gonna end it here. So I might not be as active this week because I have some important things scheduled and ya know school is hard. So,

see ya later, my dudes

(btw my name isn't Alex :))

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