t w e n t y f i v e - Romeo

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*skip back to when he saw Jaeden on the street*

I was on my way to Troy's house when I saw one of the Losers that go to my school. He was walking down the side of the road, smiling and his phone like crazy. This made me mad. Mainly because I wanted something like that. I wanted to be happy. But that will never happen. I walked over to Jaeden.

"Hey Jaeden!" He flinched and looked up from his phone, the smile now vanished.

"Um h-hey Romeo" he said, almost seeming scared. I liked that I intimidated him. I was now in front of him. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me.

"What ya looking at?" I asked, trying to sound scary. I let go of his shirt and grabbed his phone. I started reading his texts. Wow! Wyatt just confessed his love to Jaeden! And another one! Jaeden just confessed his love and sent it! What a day! I looked back at Jaeden who was someone quivering in front of me.

"Of course. You and the noodle head are gay lovers! I should have known. Do you know what I like to do to gay people?"


"I beat them up. Let's start with you." I started throwing my fists at him. I couldn't help it. I know my head was telling me stop, but my fists, they just kept going. I left Jaeden on the ground where he could get up, and I didn't leave him unconscious. I grabbed Jaeden's phone from my pocket and started texting Wyatt.

Jaeden: meet me at the park in 10

I walked into the park, waiting. I waited a few minutes until I saw the noodle head himself, Wyatt. I started walking and clapping towards him. I noticed his walking slow down, but he didn't stop until he was right in front of me. I could tell he wanted to leave, but I wouldn't let him, of course.

"Well well well. If it isn't the gay boy."
I said with a grin.

"What are you doing with Jaeden's phone?" He asked. Should I lie? Nah. He'll be more scared if I tell him the truth.

"Well I saw him walking down the street and smiling at his phone. I beat him up, grabbed his phone, and told you to meet me here." I said with a smile.

"Why?" He asked. I could see the tears in his eyes. Perfect.

"Because I want Alex. If I can't have her, I'll hurt every one of her friends until I can have her." I said, keeping my signature grin going. I stepped towards him. He jumped back. I chuckled. I then threw my fist into his face. I repeatedly pounded his face until he was on the ground. It felt good. My head was now agreeing that I should beat him up. I kept throwing my fists until he stopped fighting. I knew he was out. I got up and wiped my lip. I suddenly felt an unknown weight on my back. I fell to the ground and groaned.

"OW!" I screamed. I turned my head and saw someone scramble off me.

"Well if it isn't-" I got cut off by a hand, straight to my face. I was out. Cold.

Well that's that. Who do you think jumped on Romeo?
Written; June 17

See ya later, my dudes

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