chapter two

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At last, tomorrow's the day..
My dream is coming true tomorrow,
N I still can't believe it.
I'm usually very much excited about all the films that I sign..
But this one's different,
It's my Dream film,
Or should I say, my dream cast.

I'm going to work with the man of my dreams ..whose thoughts alone are enough to make me stay up all night and get me daydreaming the whole day......Jeon Jungkook.
'Anna?. You in there? '
'Oh.. Yeah m here'.
I unbolted the door..
My Mom came in, looking concerned..

'I have been calling you out for the last 5 minutes .what's wrong?
Are you not feeling well?'
'm fine mom. Don't worry '
She still looked worried, as if she didn't believe me.
She's always like that whenever I go outdoors for shooting.
'I'll be back soon ma, don't worry '
She nodded, though I could see the swelling sadness in her eyes.
'I'll miss you ',she said, in a small voice..
I hated it when she's like that..
I can't act strong around her.. Especially when she gets all emotional on me...

'I'll miss you too mom '.. I couldn't control my emotions anymore,
I could feel the tears pricking at the back of my eyes, Threatening to break the barrier any time now.
I desperately needed a diversion, from being a sobbing mess in front of her..
'so, tell me, what do you want me to buy for you? 'I tried to keep my voice from shaking..
'just come back soon' she said, before turning towards the door..
'by the way, dinner's served'
Turning towards me, she nodded once, and took off.
Though,i think, I caught a glimpse of the side of her mouth curled up.
N I felt relieved.
Checking my watch once more, I went out after her.

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