chapter six

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I don't know how long I just stood there gawking like a lunatic at the angelic perfection in front of me..

And I don't know what it was,( maybe the fact that I must have looked like a  potato split in half gawking like that.. As I said I don't know) that made the facial expressions of the angel in question change into a somewhat confused one(and trust me he still looked heavenly).

 As I said I don't know) that made the facial expressions of the angel in question change into a somewhat confused one(and trust me he still looked heavenly)

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I was too caught up in his beauty that I barely heard him speaking to me..
'um.. Are you Anna? ' I thought he asked..
And I almost came to my senses then only to loose them all over again upon his wind chime seeming voice..

Before I could even Ponder over how I'm still alive I heard a soft 'excuse me'
And with that he went out..
Leaving me with my scattered thoughts and a dysfunctional brain..

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