Chapter three

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The next day,as scheduled, we reached Mr. Black's office half an hour earlier.
'may I come in, sir?'
I could see him working on his laptop. With his eyebrows scrunched up,
N his lips turned down in a grim,
He looked rather funny.
He's a middle aged man and very successful in life..
He's a very well known director, who's bagged 3 national awards back to back. And I have had the honor of knowing him personally, ( he's an old family friend).
He looked up from his desk, and seemed rather surprised to see me so early.
'ah, if it isn't miss Anna, what a pleasure having you here,.
Come inside', he said extending his arm at me.
'the pleasure's all mine, sir'
I took his arm and he shook it firmly.
'please sit down, and if you don't mind, just go through this documents for a bit ' he said, handing me a file.
We'll be leaving in a few minutes, and I still can't believe my luck.

Sorry... This chapter is not long enough..
I promise to make the other one bigger and (hopefully) better

Please read the story
And don't forget to comment..
I would really like some advice..

❤❤ I love y'all ❤❤

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