chapter nine

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We worked till 5 that day,
After our director yelled 'pack up', I went to my vanity, and started sorting my stuff, my manager by my side....

I changed into my signature black sweat and white puma tee shirt.. And of course my black mask, which I wrapped around my palm, for time being ..

 And of course my black mask, which I wrapped around my palm, for time being

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I was feeling real thirsty so I asked Mr. Kim, my manager, to fetch me a cup of coffee...

It was a busy day, not just the shooting, but also signing all those autographs, and posing for selfies and stuff...

I leaned on my chair, with my hands behind my head , enjoying the quiet of the moment...

I closed my eyes,  when suddenly ,
I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I twirled around, to find Anna smiling down at me...
She's changed her clothes too, and how beautiful she looked in her dress... I think it's called a 'kurti' an Indian attire.. I've seen girls wearing in the set so I asked what it was, and they told me about it...

'hi' she said, still smiling

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'hi' she said, still smiling..

'hi', I said., smiling too, not knowing why...

' I can see you are really tired,  and I know you really want to kick me out of the room now ' she chuckled..

'no no... I won't ever do that' I said, I knew she was joking, and I admit ,I like my privacy, but, I enjoy her company more...

'It's alright, I didn't really come here to bother you. I brought you orange juice. I thought you'd be thirsty .I made it for everyone, but you weren't there when I was handing out the glasses, so I thought, I'll bring your glass to your room' she smiled again,  placing the glass on the table beside my chair.

'thank y.. '

'sir?' my manger's voice interrupted me..

We looked at the door where he stood with my backpack slung over his shoulder and the cup of coffee I asked for.

'It's time for you to leave. The other are waiting for you to start practicing.'

' yeah, I'm coming'

' I'll be in the car then' nodding, he placed the cup on the table and went out.

'um.. Thank you for the drink, but I have to go.. So.. '

She looked at me, not smiling brightly like before ...
'It's okay, I'll see if anyone else want it' she said,  with her eyes cast down .

She took the glass from the table and started to walk away.

I was feeling bad, because she made it herself with so much love for everyone... She's so caring. She had a busy day just like me,  and I bet she's tired as hell, but still she thought about others.

As she reached the door, I ran to her, took the glass from her hand and drank it all in a go.

'what the... ,' she squeaked out, clearly startled by my little stunt .

'thanks for the drink, it was really delicious ' I smiled at her..
But she was still looking at me wide-eyed.
'are you crazy?' she suddenly said, whoa, what?!!! What the the hell did I do?. 

' you could have choked.... What were you thinking?'
Concern laced in her voice.

'I'm the world famous Jungkook, honey, I don't choke on orange juice'.
I smirked , scrunching my nose up on the 'orange juice' part.

' Yeah right' she rolled her eyes, a small smile playing at her lips..

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out, it's a text, from...
Shit it's jimin hyung,
[get your lazy ass in here, fast]
Damn, I'm late ..

"um.. I should get going.. " I lift up my eyes from my phone and looked at her..

"yeah it's getting pretty late,"she said in a small voice..

"see you tomorrow.."

"yeah.. Good night"

"sweet dreams" I said..
She waved me good bye and went out of the door...

I hurriedly texted a 'coming' to hyung and raced to my car..

I didn't even notice when it got so late.. They are soo gonna kill me today..
But I felt happy somehow....
Really happy inside..
I don't know why...

I rolled down the window of my car... Letting the cool wind caress my face,
As I sat there, I couldn't help thinking about all that happened today...the shooting, the music, the food, Her..

I don't know why, but I really feel like I want to know her better.. She's the kind who would make every thing seems so beautiful.
I really like the feeling I get around her....
So If I ask, Will she be my friend?

So If I ask, Will she be my friend?

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Author's note
Jk: Hi guyssss...
Hope you are enjoying the book,
Please support us...
I won't dissapoint y'all I promise..
And of course

❤❤사랑해 ARMY❤❤

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